Revision history for CatalystX-CRUD

0.01    3 October 2007
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

0.02    22 October 2007
        * Fixed Makefile.PL dependencies (added Catalyst::Component::ACCEPT_CONTEXT)
        * Refactored Controller and Model to abstract a little more, notably
          added the form_to_object() method in Controller.
        * New File example implementation of the whole Model/Object/Iterator API.

0.03    22 October 2007
        * add test for File implementation (and fix the bugs it revealed)
        * fix AUTOLOAD to ignore DESTROY
0.04    25 October 2007
        * rework view_on_single_result API in base Controller and tests for same

0.05    1 November 2007
        * stash query in Controller results for View
        * do_search() returns if no input
        * Model reserved params now start with _
        * some can/AUTOLOAD black magic to make Object/delegate stuff DWIM.

0.06    6 November 2007
        * clean up temp files from make test [rt# 30425]

0.07    9 November 2007
        * added count() method to base Controller

0.08    9 November 2007
        * fix documentation for save() method.

0.09    10 November 2007
        * fix missing precommit() default sub in
        * fix AUTOLOAD hackery in

0.10    12 Nov 2007
        * simplify Iterator base class to hardcode 'delegate' method name

0.11    14 Nov 2007
        * fix AUTOLOAD method to report correct object class on error

0.12    17 Nov 2007
        * fix bug in Controller when determining whether do_search() should search.

0.13    19 Nov 2007
        * fix bug in Controller when there is only one result in do_search().

0.14    23 Nov 2007
        * add Tutorial
        * fix bug (again) in Controller when there is only one result in do_search().

0.15    24 Nov 2007
        * oops. actually include the tutorial pod in this release.

0.16    04 Dec 2007
        * fix typo in Tutorial so it shows up in
        * fix Controller->do_search() to always include query for view's use,
        even when there are no results.

0.17    19 Dec 2007
        * add field_names() method to base Controller class. This is to aid development
        of CatalystX::CRUD::View implementations.

0.18    20 Dec 2007
        * added _no_page parameter support to the Model API.
        * added ::Model::Utils to help with DRY

0.19    21 Dec 2007
        * added Sort::SQL to Makefile.PL reqs.

0.20    31 Dec 2007
        * fix view_on_single_result() to check can_write()

0.21    04 Jan 2008
        * fix black magic can() in

0.22    04 Jan 2008
        * add treat_like_int() support to Model::Utils

0.23    20 Jan 2008
        * added REST API
        * added allow_GET_writes Controller config option, to prevent casual GET /save or /delete requests.

0.24    22 Jan 2008
        * always fetch() in REST->default, to fix bug with no object being set for create()
        * always uc() the req method for comparison purposes
        * fix bug when checking the _http_method param to use params() instead of param() and use the first if multiple.
        * refactor REST to provide backwards compat with Controller for easy @ISA swap (as advertised)

0.25    1 Feb 2008
        * fix bug to clarify what happens when form_to_object() returns false.

0.26    06 May 2008
        * fix bug in Iterator to test for !next() rather than !defined(next())
        * re-set action in ::REST->default so that RPC-style template naming works
        * use :Path instead of :Private on ::REST->default
        * fix several bugs with action() set in ::REST
        * ::Controller->form now calls NEXT::form. This is for REST compat and @INC oddness.
        * added new ::ModelAdapter class and refactored base Controller to use it.
        * moved make_pager() from base ::Model to ::Model::Utils
        * added new ::Test classes to ease writing controller-agnostic tests.
        * new, optional 'make_query' method in Controller.
        * move AUTOLOAD() and can() hackery out of base Model into base Object where it belongs.
          Now there is only 2 sins instead of the 3 in previous releases (where we no longer
          monkey-patch the subs at run time).
        * refactor tests to actually perform some CRUD.
        * add ::ModelAdapter::File example.
        * add envvar CXCRUD_TEST in base CX::CRUD to cluck() stack traces on exceptions. Mostly
          useful during testing since the ::Test::Controller now returns only the error.
        * renamed 'buffer' to 'content' in ::Object::File.
        * ::Model::File->fetch() will now always return an object even if it does not yet
          exist on the filesystem.
        * change default create() method in Controller to call methods directly instead of forward()ing.
        * add create() method to REST that just redirects to create_form().
        * change from 'use NEXT' to 'use Class::C3'
        * added support for "x-tunneled-method" param to REST controller in addition to "_http_method". 
          This is for compat with Catalyst::Request::REST::ForBrowsers.

0.27    12 June 2008
        * fix Controller->rm() to check for model_adapter() and call its delete() method as advertised.
        * check for length($oid) instead of defined($oid) in REST->default
        * added CatalystX::CRUD::Results class
        * added naked_results() config option to base Controller
        * refactored base Controller to make all config options into accessors. added t/02-controller
        * change Model::Utils to use req->params rather than param()

0.28    11 Aug 2008
        * API for ModelAdapter changed to pass controller instance in do_model()
        * add get_primary_key() and make_primary_key_string() methods to base Controller. 
          This allows for PKs composed of multiple columns.

0.29    23 Aug 2008
        * fix typos in the Tutorial
        * add relationship methods to Controller, ModelAdapter and Model core API.
        * added sugary alias methods for read(), update() and delete() to match CRUD.
        * refactored REST controller to support related methods and provide better
          HTTP status checks and responses.

0.30    11 Sept 2008
        * fix uninit value warning in Controller
        * change REST create() : Local to _rest_create() : Path('create') to make it easier for
          create_form() to call create() in superclass.
        * clean up old style $self->config->{value} to instead use $self->value in Controller
        * add app_class() and model_meta() accessors to ModelAdapter 
        * in base Controller, rename view_on_single_result() method to uri_for_view_on_single_result and make
          accessor for the config value 'view_on_single_result'
        * change all reserved param names in Model::Utils to use 'cxc-' prefix instead of '_'. Backwards compat
          is preserved where possible.
        * Model::Utils make_query() will uc() sort direction 
        * change behaviour of get_primary_key() in base Controller to not look in req->params for pk values.
          This allows for changing the PK as part of an update.
        * add new() in REST to call next::method. Works around (some) multiple inheritance issues.
        * check for $c->res->location before redirecting in postcommit()
        * Model::Utils was refactored to use Search::QueryParser::SQL. The following methods were affected:
           * sql_query_as_string() -- removed
           * params_to_sql_query() -- now returns hashref with 3 items:
                     - query isa Search::QueryParser::SQL::Query object
                     - query_hash (formerly query) is a simple param-name => [values] hashref
                     - sql is the output of S::QP::S::Query->rdbo
           * make_sql_query() -- returned hash ref now has query_hash as plain_query value
             and the stringify'd Query object as plain_query_str

0.31    16 Sept 2008
        * add missing req to Makefile.PL
        * force field_names to be an ARRAY ref in Utils make_sql_query()

0.32    21 Oct 2008
        * use Class::Data::Inheritable to define delegate_class() class accessor in base Model

0.33    22 Nov 2008
        * fix Tutorial wrt RT#40846

0.34    24 Nov 2008
        * fix make_primary_key_string to return undef if multi-col PK has no values

0.35    24 Nov 2008
        * call edit() after initializing object and form with passed in params, so that the init_form()
          method can have all data already set.

0.36    4 Dec 2008
        * add cxc-fuzzy2 feature and document both it and cxc-fuzzy.

0.37    8 Dec 2008
        * support x-tunneled-method for DELETE in save() calls

0.38    12 Jan 2009
        * use maybe::next::method
        * fix view_on_single_result bug in Test::Controller

0.39    14 Jan 2009
        * add missing file to MANIFEST that causes tests to fail in 0.38

0.40    16 April 2009
        * change base Controller to call can_read() rather than can_write() in edit().
          This is because the call to edit() does not actually write anything; it's just a GET
          for a form.

0.41    21 April 2009
        * remove Catalyst::Component::ACCEPT_CONTEXT as a dependency since it has not been
          updated for Catalyst 5.8.

0.42    27 April 2009
        * revert ACCEPT_CONTEXT changes; fixes pushed to new C::C::A_C on CPAN, and added no warnings
          using Class::C3::Adopt::NEXT (thanks to t0m)
        * change from 'use Class::C3' to 'use mro "c3"' with new dep on MRO::Compat
        * added some debugging in tests
0.43    29 April 2009
        * rid of ourselves of Class::Data::Inheritable because it clashes with Catalyst::Runtime 5.8.
          Notably, it caused a strange bug in Rose::DBx::Garden::Catalyst where the MyApp->config
          class hashref would get nuked after a call to Class::C3::initialize(). Yes. That fsked up.

0.44    23 May 2009
        * check for symlink() support in Model::File at compile time and return from rm_related()
          if not supported. Fixes spurious test breakage on Win32.

0.45    13 June 2009
        * fix multi-column sort via cxc-order param (requires Sort::SQL 0.04)