Revision history for CatalystX-CRUD-Model-RDBO
0.01 20 Oct 2007
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
0.02 23 Oct 2007
* fix typo in POD that fooled CPAN into forking separate doc file
* added Sort::SQL to prereq list
0.03 23 Oct 2007
* added Rose::DBx::TestDB to the prereq list
0.04 1 November 2007
* RDBO Debug var set if CATALYST_DEBUG env var is true
* test for defined() param() values
* change reserved param names to start with _
* fix search() wantarray bug
0.05 9 November 2007
* add method to get default available field names in make_query()
* allow for explicit _offset param as well as individual _sort and _dir params
0.06 12 Nov 2007
* RDBO Debug var set if CATALYST_DEBUG env var is true -- moved to Xsetup() so it actually works.