Revision history for Rose-DBx-Garden
0.01 25 Oct 2007
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
0.02 9 Nov 2007
* added RHTMLO to the prereq list
* if base_code == 0, no base RDBO class is written
* added _*_field_maker methods
* some debugging help
* changed default column_to_field map:
- added boolean
- changed 'timestamp' to map to 'datetime'
* added text_field_size()
* make the garden_*_field() methods public.
0.03 9 Nov 2007
* added Rose::HTMLx::Form::Field::Boolean to req list
0.04 12 Nov 2007
* add missing Metadata subclass for schema support
* add missing init_db() to base class template, with detection
for the new_or_cached() method.
* clean up test files after tests
0.05 19 Nov 2007
* custom object_from_form() and init_with_object() methods per
recommended convention.
* plant() now returns hash ref (RDBO => RHTMLO) instead of array ref
* 'class' attribute set on each field to original column type value.
* add garden_prefix() accessor in generated classes