Revision history for Rose-DBx-Object-MoreHelpers

0.01    20 Aug 2008
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

0.02    26 Aug 2008
        * add column_is_boolean method

0.03    16 Sept 2008
        * flatten now just a thin wrapper around as_tree()
          core Helper method

0.04    4 Nov 2008
        * has_related() now checks if $self can $rel . _count
          and tries to handle it sanely if _count is not a method

0.05    4 Nove 2008
        * oops. fix 0.04 fix to always turn **integer** not object.

0.06    10 Nov 2008
        * add moniker() and unique_value() methods

0.07    13 May 2010
        * change primary_key_uri_escaped() implementation to avoid sprintf().

0.08    13 May 2010
        * change primary_key_uri_escaped() (again) to match CatalystX::CRUD::Controller,
          also escaping any / marks.