Revision history for SWISH::3, libswish3 Perl bindings.

0.01    20 Nov 2009
    * released to CPAN after 4 years in development.

0.02    29 Nov 2009
    * add get_stash() method to SWISH::3

0.03    12 Dec 2009
    * refactor how Makefile.PL builds the ::Constants class.

0.04    02 Jan 2010
    * add tests for leaks
    * fix mem leak with SWISH::3::Stash internal objects.
    * fix mem leaks in SWISH::3::Data class.

0.05    01 Feb 2010
    * add SWISH::3::Property->presort accessor.
    * return undef for NULL values in alias_for() accessor
      for MetaName and Property
    * add SWISH_DOC_PROP_MAP constant
    * return undef for NULL values in Doc accesssors.

0.06    08 May 2010
    * add missing constants doc to pod.
    * change implementation of slurp() to transparently
      gunzip any filenames ending with .gz.
    * libswish3 src now included instead of being dynamically
    * changed license to be GPL instead of Perl
      now that we include source.

0.07    10 May 2010
    * rework build config so that libswish3.c is not #include'd
      in 3.xs but instead compiled and then linked as .o file.
    * fix REGEXP stuff for Perl 5.12

0.08_01    12 May 2010
    * fix duplicate constant definitions in XS/Constants.xs.
    * setlocale() explicitly to en_US.UTF-8 to see if that fixes cpantesters. 

0.08_02    17 May 2010
    * more debugging of missing locales.

0.08_03    19 May 2010
    * put locale support detection directly into Makefile.PL to avoid
      even attempting to build without UTF-8 locale present.

0.08_04    1 June 2010
    * add some debugging on stderr for cpantesters only.

0.08_05    13 Sept 2010
    * revert debugging from 0.08_04
    * check for USE_MYMALLOC in %Config and abort Makefile.PL

0.08_06    08 Oct 2010
    * tweek tests to allow for any locale with UTF-8 encoding
    * dump %Config to try and trace freebsd setenv/putenv/malloc issue
      (more of same issue addressed in 0.08_05)

0.08_07    11 Oct 2010
    * fix (finally, I hope) the mysterious segfaults on freebsd tests.
      The problem was Perl's my_setenv() interfering with the native setenv().
    * fix "Bad realloc() ignored" error on freebsd by using sv_usepvn_flags()
      instead of sv_usepvn_mg().

0.08_08    20 Oct 2010
    * bumped required Perl to 5.8.9 as PL_use_safe_putenv did not appear till 5.8.6
      and sv_usepvn_flags() did not appear till 5.8.9.
    * dropped err.h from libswish3.c as Solaris (for one) does not seem to have it.
    * added alloca.h to libswish3.c as Solaris (for one) seems to need it.

0.09       23 Oct 2010
    * change Locale test to allow for "utf8" or "UTF-8"
    * official release with cumulative fixes in the 0.08_xx series.