Revision history for Perl extension SWISH::Filter.
0.01 original version
0.02 Swish-e version 2.4.3
0.03 first CPAN release 15 June 2006
Peter Karman took over maintenance and made the following
* renamed S::F::Document and S::F::Base and split
them into their own files
* added the doc_class() method to S::F
* standardized the naming of the core Filters
* POD cleanup and clarifications
0.04 dump packaging error makes 0.03 fail 'make test' via CPAN
0.04 is identical to 0.03 but includes missing example script
0.05 added --ignore_filters option to swish-filter-test example
fixed type() and priority() base filter methods to actually work
replaced test.doc with non-fast-saved version and removed comment in test
fixed skip_filters routine in to use hash ref instead of hash
added .ppt test file
0.06 worked final (we hope) kinks out of make test, esp where Filters already installed