Revision history for Perl extension SWISH::Filter.
0.01 original version
0.02 Swish-e version 2.4.3
0.03 first CPAN release 15 June 2006
Peter Karman took over maintenance and made the following
* renamed S::F::Document and S::F::Base and split
them into their own files
* added the doc_class() method to S::F
* standardized the naming of the core Filters
* POD cleanup and clarifications
0.04 dump packaging error makes 0.03 fail 'make test' via CPAN
0.04 is identical to 0.03 but includes missing example script
0.05 added --ignore_filters option to swish-filter-test example
fixed type() and priority() base filter methods to actually work
replaced test.doc with non-fast-saved version and removed comment in test
fixed skip_filters routine in to use hash ref instead of hash
added .ppt test file
0.06 worked final (we hope) kinks out of make test, esp where Filters already installed
0.07 added metadata() feature to Document class and updated Filters where applicable
added 'title' as default title_tag in Pdf2HTML
RT fix 20887
added SWISH::Filters::Decompress and associated t/*gz files
0.08 changed metadata() to meta_data() and added ability to set it in convert()
thorough audit of all Filters to improve syntax and formatting
removed dependency on HTML::Entities (and thus HTML::Parser) by moving
escapeXML() into SWISH::Filters::Base
moved format_meta_headers() into SWISH::Filters::Base
added test.mp3 to test files
fixed SWISH::Filters::Decompress to correctly set MIME types using SWISH::Filter
instead of File::Type
added parent_filter() method to SWISH::Filters::Base
added base filter() method to SWISH::Filters::Base which will croak if not overridden
actually added SWISH::Filters::Decompress so it gets packaged... doh!
0.09 fixed SWISH::Filter to actually set meta_data correctly, and SWISH::Filters::Decompress to pass it through
0.10 cache can_filter() to avoid regexp check against all filters each time
add missing deps to Makefile.PL
0.11 add MIME::Types as req and supplement built-in mime typer with more types
0.12 28 Sep 2009
* avoid Subroutine redefined warnings in Base by checking if class
can() run_$program before creating a closure.
0.13 19 Nov 2009
* fix path separator in tests to allow for Windows
0.14 02 Jan 2009
* fix some memory leaks
* add 'application/xml' as alternate to text/xml MIME
* add SWISH::Filter::MIMETypes to avoid some circular references,
deprecate parent_filter() method.
* add Module::Pluggable as a dependency, to handle the *::Filters::* loading.
0.15 05 May 2010
* can_filter() returned empty list sometimes when it shouldn't, so rewrote the memoization
logic. This may address past memory leaks as well.
0.16 10 Oct 2011
* added SWISH::Filters::JSON
0.17 10 Feb 2013
* added SWISH::Filters::YAML
0.18 13 Feb 2013
* Filters::Base->use_modules now supports required minimum version of supporting module
* YAML and JSON filters now require Search::Tools::XML 0.88 or newer
* added .yml and .json test files