Revision history for Search-Query-Dialect-KSx
0.01 19 June 2011
First version, ported from KSx for name change.
0.02 21 June 2011
Clean up some missed name changes from 0.01.
Yank out Wildcard classes and fork them into LucyX::Search::Wildcard.
0.03 21 June 2011
* fix detection of stemmer class name.
SnowballStemmer in Lucy (was Stemmer under KinoSearch)
0.04 29 Sept 2011
* debug mode verbosity conditional on debug level.
0.05 23 June 2012
* allow parent Parser->default_field to be a string, not an arrayref
0.06 25 July 2012
* fix README and some meta changes in Makefile.PL
0.07 21 Aug 2012
* add support for StopFilter analyzer
0.08 23 May 2013
* add *_query_class methods to Dialect, to support
custom Lucy query classes.
* fix phrase negation bug (NOT "foo bar")
0.09 08 June 2013
* add support for null_term feature of Search::Query::Parser >= 0.22
0.10 25 June 2013
* fix NOT foo:NULL case
* fix serialization of double negative NOT foo!:bar