Revision history for Perl extension Aniki
1.04_01 2017-06-21T06:55:28Z
- added update_and_(fetch|emulate)_row method (mamimumemoomoo)
1.04 2017-05-28T13:03:12Z
- fixed range condition maker (thanks mamimumemoomoo)
- namespace cleaner switched to namespace::autoclean (thanks karenetheridge)
- throw more intelligibly error when calling update without data (thanks GeJ)
- droped typoed (obsoluted) `make_range_condtion` method
1.03 2017-03-29T11:24:39Z
- [EXPERIMENTAL] x_static_install=1 (no feature changes)
1.02 2017-02-10T06:14:56Z
- added lt/gt alias option for lower/upper (watanabe-yoichi)
1.01 2016-12-10T07:07:27Z
- added lower/upper option for Aniki::Plugin::Pager
- added no_offset option for Aniki::Plugin::SQLPager
1.00 2016-05-24T05:10:36Z
- no execute any query if empty values is passed to insert_multi
0.94 2016-05-16T09:22:14Z
- fixed circular reference problem
0.93 2016-04-09T03:22:49Z
- set empty value if not found reletad rows for preformance
- [EXPERIMENTAL] allows extra where condition with prefetch
0.92 2016-03-02T03:29:01Z
- follow the null values in relationship
0.91 2016-02-23T06:24:26Z
- support `trace_query` option
0.90 2016-02-23T02:11:26Z
- follow unique indices for `has_many`
0.89 2016-02-21T03:17:18Z
- fixed pod syntax
0.88 2016-02-19T08:42:25Z
- [BUGFIX] fixed `last_insert_id` on MySQL. (`DBIx::Handler#dbh` send a ping to mysql. But, It removes `$dbh->{mysql_insertid}`.)
0.87 2016-02-02T01:33:39Z
- Allow to enable `suppress_(row|result)_objects` on select_by_sql and select_named.
0.86 2016-01-26T02:39:43Z
- Split Aniki::Plugin::PagerInjector
- Added Aniki::Plugin::SQLPager
0.85 2015-12-10T10:31:33Z
- Fixed no disconnect if caught not a connect error at retring in Aniki::Handler::RoundRobin
0.84 2015-12-08T02:22:09Z
- Fixed generated class name by install-aniki
0.83 2015-10-28T03:20:40Z
- Follow `0` and NULL in default value on insert_and_emulate_row method.
0.82 2015-10-27T15:38:40Z
- Use Test::Requires for checking the modules installed (syohex)
0.81 2015-10-27T03:20:57Z
- switch to old style package declation syntax for some old static code analyzers
0.08 2015-10-26T12:39:36Z
- Split handler class from main class.
- Added WeightedRoundRobin plugin.
0.07 2015-10-13T07:59:29Z
- Fixed broken suppress_row_objects option of select method.
0.06 2015-10-13T00:39:45Z
- A little refactor. (no feature changes)
0.05 2015-10-12T18:17:51Z
- Renamed some methods/classes
- Performance improvements
- Support custom result class
- Added insert_and_emulate_row method
- Use prepare_cached as default
- Unsupport fields case for consistency
- Added skeleton generator
0.04_03 2015-09-29T00:59:39Z
- Keep inflated rows to keep relay cache
0.04_02 2015-09-28T08:26:21Z
- Plugin::SelectJoined is broken when outer joined.
0.04_01 2015-09-28T07:00:10Z
- Added Plugin::SelectJoined (inspired by Teng::Plugin::SearchJoined)
- Support to select specified columns by table
0.03_01 2015-09-22T04:58:09Z
- Support automatic pre-cache the inverse relational rows
0.02_09 2015-09-19T05:23:54Z
- Support the canonicalize of the `SELECT` SQL statement
- Support deep prefetch
0.02_08 2015-07-28T03:42:15Z
- Fixed Aniki::Row#can. (It's broken when it's called as instance method.)
0.02_07 2015-07-28T02:40:43Z
- Change pluralize logic. (now pluralize last word only. SEE ALSO:
0.02_06 2015-07-27T04:45:03Z
- Added API `new_row_from_hashref` and `new_collection_from_arrayref`.
0.02_05 2015-07-24T03:32:03Z
- Aniki::Row#can now returns AUTOLOADed methods.
0.02_04 2015-05-28T02:16:47Z
- Fixed bulk_insert. (filterd value is not used.)
- Improve error message when specified not defined column.
0.02_03 2015-05-22T11:06:35Z
- Added testing for `Aniki::Plugin::Count`.
- Something fixes.
0.02_02 2015-05-01T09:44:45Z
- Added testing for `Aniki::Plugin::Pager`.
- Something fixes.
0.02_01 2015-04-20T23:43:26Z
- Use strict query builder mode by default.
- Added support a named placeholder.
- Added support to declaring relationship.
- Added `count` to Collection.
- Added `is_new` flag to Row class.
- Added `refetch` method to Row class.
- Added shortcut to `txn_manger`.
- Added plugin for paging.
- Added plugin for `SELECT COUNT(...)`.
- Added some tests.
0.01_03 2015-02-09T00:14:31Z
- Fixed guessing relationship name algorithm. (when defined multiple foreign key.)
0.01_02 2015-02-02T09:51:41Z
- Fixed guessing relationship name algorithm.
- Fixed dependencies
0.01_01 2015-01-22T10:30:31Z
- original version