Revision history for Perl extension TOML-Parser

0.08 2016-11-08T18:58:41Z

   - [FIXED] key value parsing issue (thanks for shohex)
   - [FIXED] tests fail with -Duselongdouble

0.07 2016-04-01T02:10:39Z

   - [FIXED] Parser produces "" for value "0" (thanks for yowcow)

0.06 2015-11-30T16:32:44Z

    - [FIXED] strict_mode is broken. (tests for strict_mode didn't worked.)
    - [FEATURE] The v.0.4.0 spec is supported.

0.05 2015-02-18T06:19:11Z

    - [FIXED] Dependency fixes (dolmen)

0.04 2014-10-08T23:33:32Z

    - [FIXED] Allow "." in key name.
    - [INTERNAL] Switch to Module::Build::Tiny.

0.03 2014-05-22T13:22:37Z

    - [FIXED] Die when key duplicate.
    - [FIXED] Allow comma at last of array.
    - [FEATURE] Added `strict_mode`.

0.02 2014-05-20T04:08:28Z

    - [FIXED] Allow empty comment.
    - [FIXED] Allow empty string.

0.01 2014-05-13T12:21:22Z

    - original version