Revision history for Perl extension Time-Strptime

1.00_01 2016-03-19T09:46:49Z

    - fixed dependency
    - updated benchmark result

0.99 2016-03-19T09:21:11Z

    - fixed something bugs
    - added documentation

0.07 2016-02-16T01:23:55Z

    - fixed dependency

0.06 2016-02-15T06:56:51Z

    - allow to omit the day of month

0.05 2016-02-15T04:21:04Z

    - allow to use for blessed DateTime::TimeZone

0.04 2016-02-15T02:03:26Z

    - time zone suppoot by DateTime::TimeZone

0.03 2015-09-04T14:58:46Z

    - Fixed utf8 flag problem on perl 5.22
    - Fixed regexp escape when charactor

0.02_01 2015-08-29T06:47:42Z

    - micro performance optimization.
    - fixed "%A", "%a" and "%C" format definition.

0.01_1 2015-01-22T10:34:02Z

    - original version