Revision history for Log-Log4perl-Layout-PatternLayout-Redact

1.2.1   09/26/2012
        Moved to github
        Upgraded license to GPL_3

1.2.0   05/15/2012
        Added feature to redact messages with a callback subroutine.

1.1.1   03/30/2012
        Updated dependencies.

1.1.0   03/30/2012
        Added feature to redact using regexes.

1.0.3   02/29/2012
        Actually committing the change before I build.

1.0.2   02/28/2012
        Fixed the test file for the 1.0.1 variable name change.

1.0.1   02/28/2012
        Fixed the package variable name to be consistent with Carp::Parse::Redact.
		Added more documentation on how to set keys to be redacted.

1.0.0   02/28/2012
        First public release.