Revision history for Perl extension File::RotateLogs
0.06 2013-09-19T05:06:30Z
- fix test. tune timing of start test.
0.05 2013-09-13T02:56:22Z
- logfile and linkname allow to accept Objects that have stringfy method #3
(reported by Yappo)
0.04 2013-06-07T01:01:20Z
- fix test. Some systems don't have Asia/Katmandu timezone?
use Australia/Darwin timezone for test.
0.03 2013-06-04T01:09:48Z
- add offset option (thanks masasuzu-san)
- re-packing with Minilla
0.02 Tue Jan 15 17:14:59 2013
- requires Proc::Daemon >= 0.14, old Proc::Daemon has filehandle issue in some cases
0.01 Thu Aug 30 13:54:00 2012
- original version