Revision history for Perl extension HTTP-Entity-Parser
0.23 2020-07-10T02:45:46Z
- Handle nested arrays #12
0.22 2019-11-16T14:21:39Z
- Do not stringify nested hash references in JSON #11
0.21 2018-03-03T04:51:32Z
- Relax minimum perl version to 5.8.1
0.20 2017-07-18T03:54:04Z
- [fixed] Throws exception when psgi.input is undef #6
- [fixed] dechunk loop can stuck on empty chunked post #7
0.19 2017-02-07T08:19:45Z
- Adjust tests for module load from a relative path when . is not in @INC (Thank you toddr)
0.18 2016-10-03T04:36:04Z
- Use a better tempdir, fix some documentation, and make json test more readable #4 (Thank you karenetheridge)
0.17 2015-11-19T03:38:19Z
- requires WWW::Form::UrlEncoded 0.23
0.16 2015-11-18T05:20:09Z
- add chansen's Content-Disposition header parser and test
0.15 2015-11-17T05:31:45Z
- [INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE from 0.14] make buffer length configurable perl instance
- increase buffer length to 64k
0.14 2015-11-17T01:29:43Z
- make buffer length configurable
0.13 2015-11-15T06:22:36Z
- create tempdir for store upload data
0.12 2014-02-24T14:05:33Z
- use parse_urlencoded_arrayref. requires WWW::Form::UrlEncoded >= 0.17
0.11 2014-02-19T15:38:51Z
- cache loaded parser and tune a bit
0.10 2014-02-19T06:29:13Z
- requires WWW::Form::UrlEncoded >= 0.13 for backward compatibility
0.05 2014-02-17T07:00:27Z
- requires WWW::Form::UrlEncoded >= 0.10 that does not use xs
0.04 2014-02-07T08:05:16Z
- fix a documentation bug about Plack::Request::Upload
0.03 2014-02-07T07:09:03Z
- use WWW::Form::UrlEncoded for parsing POST data
- update benchmark
0.02 2014-02-06T02:34:25Z
- fix test on Windows #2 (Thank you chorny)
use :unix perlio
- fix a document bug (Thank you moznion)
0.01 2014-02-05T02:00:47Z
- original version