Revision history for Perl extension Monoceros
0.19 2013-06-11T17:18:23Z
- use file stat instead of symlink
- back fdopen in worker. error occurred in *bsd
0.18 2013-06-11T06:12:22Z
- support min-readahead-reqs option
- requires Test::TCP >= 2.00
0.17 2013-06-07T01:50:12Z
- support max-readahead-reqs option
- change status content in MonocerosStatus
- require POSIX::getpeername
0.16 2013-05-28T01:04:48Z
- remove sockfile at process exit
0.15 2013-05-23T04:39:30Z
- fix pod
0.14 2013-05-23T02:38:10Z
- add Plack::Middleware::MonocerosStatus to display manager status
0.13 2013-05-22T06:16:38Z
- add max-keepalive-connection option
0.12 2013-05-20T07:25:35Z
- refactoring worker->manager socket passing
0.11 2013-05-17T05:37:59Z
- close timeouted sockets in preforked workers.
avoid nginx revc failed error message
0.10 2013-05-16T05:35:01Z
- refactoring around read-forward. Improve performance in < 10 connections.
0.09 2013-05-15T06:16:35Z
- support HTTP/1.1
0.08 2013-05-13T16:49:17Z
- read-forward next reqs/socket before select
- drop max-keepalive-reqs
- bugfix around graceful-stop
0.07 2013-05-10T11:25:39Z
- refactoring around accepted sockets in worker.
0.06 2013-05-10T06:03:49Z
- bugfix. recv() incorrect fd
0.05 2013-05-10T02:28:02Z
- pre-sysread for tcp_defer_accept sockets.
if sysread returns EAGAIN. push a socket to connection manager process.
relate url:
0.04 2013-05-09T04:28:31Z
- refactoring around timeout and disconnected sockets
0.03 2013-05-09T01:46:46Z
- accept(2) in workers if enabled defer_accept.
0.02 2013-05-07T07:35:30Z
- refactoring & performance tuning
0.01 2013-04-26T05:03:45Z
- original version