Revision history for Perl extension App::perlbuild
1.09 2014-09-24T02:46:59Z
- add support for install blead from perl5.git snapshot
(charsbar, syohex)
1.08 2014-06-09T02:57:17Z
- requires newer Pod::Usage for fixing a dependencies error on perl-5.8
- change shebang of perl-build command
1.07 2014-06-05T07:02:16Z
- Change default cpan mirror to
- use perl-releases page instead of scraping
- update github raw content URI
1.06 2014-04-04T01:11:10Z
commit e04fcb3280188992fb3ebf85bf93ca11391b08ef
Author: tokuhirom <>
Date: Tue Nov 5 09:02:09 2013 +0900
Support -D,-A,-U,-j as a first argument.
commit 2c59fa4836d6dab57b1fe079f4e0ca1ff5350f01
Author: Katsuhiro KONISHI <>
Date: Thu Oct 17 17:43:07 2013 +0900
change /usr/bin/perl to $^X
1.05 2013-09-04T01:46:13Z
- document `--test` option.
- Tweaks needed for conformance with CPAN::Changes::Spec
(Neil Bowers)
- plenv-install: Use 'permute' option for Getopt::Long::Parser
It allows `plenv install 5.18.1 -Dusedtrace --as 5.18.1-dtrace`.
This issue was reported by hanekomu.
1.04 2013-08-13T00:03:11Z
- Added --as option for plenv-install command
- fix case for PLENV_ROOT environment variable in plenv-uninstall
(Akihiro Uchida)
- Provide plenv completions. Closed #13
1.03 2013-05-31T00:35:58Z
- It works well as plugin for plenv.
1.01 2013-05-29T21:27:28Z
- Added --symlink-devel-executables option.
- Added --version option
1.00 2013-05-29T09:01:22Z
- `--definitions` and #available_versions returns version number without 'perl-' prefix.
0.21 2013-05-28T14:35:30Z
- Added `--definitions` option. This option is same as ruby-build.
0.20 2013-05-17T00:46:48Z
- use 'test_harness' for parallel testing.
- Added --tarball-dir option
0.19 2013-05-16T02:17:08Z
- no feature changes
0.18 2013-05-16T01:51:30Z
- Support --jobs for parallel building.
- Install from url
0.17 2013-04-05T08:36:20Z
- Perl::Build::Built::new should take HashRef
Broken at 0.16.
0.16 2013-04-04T04:08:37Z
- Add a Built package and integrate it into
(Kent Fredric)
0.15 2013-04-01T01:55:25Z
- Grammar fix and Typo fixes.
(Mark Stosberg)
0.14 2013-03-31T07:23:51Z
- Documentation enhancements suggested by markstos
0.13 2013-03-29T23:46:30Z
- add to support build-dir command-line option
0.12 2013-03-28T07:52:13Z
- packaging, again.
Back to Module::Build from Module::Build::Tiny.
0.11 2013-03-28T02:45:03Z
- re-packaging
0.10 2013-03-27T12:08:57Z
- Perl5 installs public executable scripts(like `prove`) to /usr/local/share/
if it exists.
This -A'eval:scriptdir=$prefix/bin' option avoid this feature.
(Reported by moznion++)
0.09 2013-03-27T05:13:03Z
- Remove 'patchperl' option in OO APIs.
Use Devel::PatchPerl as a library.
0.08 2013-03-22T20:32:06
- minil-ized
0.06 2013-03-10T10:37:42
- Depend to latest Devel::PatchPerl
It removes dependency for IPC::Cmd.
0.05 2013-02-01T15:00:50
commit 1d9912144703e31079ac71f56e0616af4bddee77
Author: Syohei YOSHIDA <>
Date: Wed Jan 30 13:58:05 2013 +0900
Fixed for parsing command line arguments
- Loop for @D, @A, @U makes no sense
- Remove '--' if @ARGV contains it(See also Getopt::Long document).
0.04 2013-01-24T12:19:57
- switch to HTTP::Tiny
0.03 2013-01-23
- support relative path to install tar ball
- more documentations
0.01 2013-01-12T17:18:43
- original version