Revision history for Perl extension WWW-Form-UrlEncoded
0.21 2015-04-28T17:04:09Z
- add some tests related
0.19 2014-04-30T03:26:43Z
- bugfix: PP::build_urlencoded should not do utf8::upgrade.
0.17 2014-02-24T13:50:55Z
- fix EXPORT bug. _arrayref did not export
0.16 2014-02-24T08:14:53Z
- add parse_urlencoded_arrayref
0.14 2014-02-21T04:21:03Z
- add build_urlencoded_utf8
0.13 2014-02-18T07:59:59Z
- supports a delimiter parameter
0.12 2014-02-18T03:38:24Z
- install .keep file under $arch/WWW/Form/UrlEncoded/XS to keep compatiblity before 0.10
- build_urlencoded supports arrayref and hashref args
0.10 2014-02-17T06:10:58Z
- [IMPORTANT] split WWW::Form::UrlEncoded into another dist.
instal with `cpanm WWW::Form::UrlEncoded`
0.04 2014-02-17T03:30:50Z
- add build_urlencoded
0.03 2014-02-10T16:10:56Z
- fix bug with thread enabled perl
0.02 2014-02-10T02:25:59Z
- mv ppport.h to src
0.01 2014-02-07T05:44:01Z
- original version