Revision history for Perl extension Lingua::JA::Summarize.
0.04 Tue May 02 04:45:01 2006
- default preferences now set by %Defaults
- support for non-EUC charsets
- introduced new property `minwords' for `keywords' function
- follow PBP coding rules
0.03 Mon May 01 10:31:01 2006
- fix tf/idf calculation bug, re-adjust parameters
- add accessors stats, wordcount
- API change - default value of default_cost is now 1.0
- add t/00_util.t to dist
0.02 Thr Apr 27 14:48:01 2006
- better handling of English words, like o'reilly or 30boxes
- fix regex bug on handling periods (thanks to tatsuwo-san)
- more documentation
- fix bug in example/keyword.cgi
0.01 Wed Apr 26 14:03:44 2006
- initial release