Revision history for File-Vctools

0.01    30 Mar 2010
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

0.02    10 Apr 2010
        Change header in documentation File-Vctools_de.pod and File-Vctools_fr.pod

0.03    20 Apr 2010
        Complete documentation also in French and in German
        I added the idea of a "current project" to File::Vctools,
        as a consequence, now shows an additional line to indicate the current project
        and aborts if you try to apply when your project is not current
        ==> internally I had to restructure "D_coutlist.dat" to introduce an additional level of hash-keys
        ==> {D_pmtab => ...} now contains what used to be under root
        ==> and there is an additional { D_pmdef => {project} } to hold the name of the current project
        ==> now has a char-by-char comparison
        ==> minor changes in