Revision history for Term-Sk

0.01    20 Jun 2009
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

0.02    24 Nov 2009
        make option {quiet => !-t STDOUT} the default
        make option {pdisp => '!'} meaningless, i.e. always use "#" to
          display the progress bar

0.03    22 Jan 2010
        add code to detect $ENV{TERM_SK_OUTPUT} to connect to, in which case {quiet =>...} is ignored
        add Build.PL
        add Sidenotes.pod
        make new() die on errors
        add "use IO::Handle" and replace "local $| = 1;" by "IO::Handle::flush();"

0.04    27 Mar 2010
        add a function rem_backspace() that takes a file and removes backspaces from that file
        revert back to version 0.02 (except for "add Build.PL" and "make new() die on errors"), that is...
          - remove item from ver 0.03: "...add code to detect $ENV{TERM_SK_OUTPUT}..."
          - remove item from ver 0.03: "...add Sidenotes.pod..."
          - remove item from ver 0.03: "...add use IO::Handle and replace local $| = 1;..."

0.05    11 May 2010
        in Build.PL and in Makefile.PL
        change requirement "use 5.10" to the less restrictive "use 5.8"

0.06    28 May 2010
        add option {num => q{9'999}} to allow variable number formats

        add dynamic growth of a number, such that format: '%c of %m' outputs
        2_870 of 9_274

        Also, write something reasonable in file README

0.07    09 May 2011
        Introduce a new format character "%k" (="Token"). Idea and patch provided by Bruce Ravel.
        Token which updates its value before being displayed. An example use
        of this would be a loop wherein every step of the loop could be
        identified by a particular string.

0.08    14 May 2011
        In the POD documentation, remove the "or die..." from "my $ctr = Term::Sk->new(...) or die..."
        Also, as suggested by Salvatore Bonaccorso, change the POD documentation as follows:
          before: This option allows to register...
          after : This option allows one to register...
        Make subs log_info(), set_chunk_size() and set_bkup_size() effectively dummy operations (i.e. they
        don't have any effect whatsoever)