Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-AutoVersion-Relative

0.03000000 2012-02-02T10:42:53Z
 - fixed "days" variable to accurately indicate the exact number of days
   past since the milestone (Karen Etheridge). For the old way of computing
   date, please use days_square instead ( available since 0.02000000 )

0.02000000 2012-02-02T10:23:49Z
 - develop suggests: Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.0.0  ->

 - runtime requires: Perl 5.006
 - runtime requires: strict
 - runtime requires: warnings

 - test requires: English

 - Added "days_accurate" and "days_square" alternative to "days" field.
   "days_square" is the same as the previous "days" field, but now
   available separately for backwards compatibility.  Based on code from
   Karen Etheridge

 - All namespaces declare $AUTHORITY="cpan:KENTNL";
 - Version declarations moved out of BEGIN

 - Toolkit Upgrade.
 - Update LICENSE ( Year, Indentation, Address )
 - Extra Tests moved to xt/
 - Repo urls all moved to https://
 - Declares x_authority
 - Uses git based versioning now.
 - Nolonger self-feeds via Bootstrap::lib

0.01060309 2011-04-05T21:49:08Z
 - Maintainence release only.

 - Depend on Dzil:Role TextTemplate ( since Dzil 1 )
 - Depend on Dzil:Role VersonProvider ( since Dzil 1.091250 )

 - Advertises @Author::KENTNL for devel.

 - Ship .perltidyrc
 - Rework Changes for CPAN::Changes form.
 - Minor crtiic cleanup.

 - Added CPAN::Changes tests.
 - Removed portability tests.

0.01037118 2010-08-22T06:25:19Z
 - Fix namespace::autoclean deps up to get rid of CMOP fail tests.
 - Get rid of =inc::lib
 - Get rid of old critic test and autogen now
 - Add data to MetaConfig reporting.

0.01035617 2010-08-07T05:42:35Z
 - Depend on latest moose and Mx::StrictConstructor to resolve Deprecation

0.01034313 2010-07-25T01:17:26Z
 - Reduced a few dependencies, cleaned surplus T-Deps.
 - Modified docs a little bit.

0.01027903 2010-05-22T15:24:03Z
 - Moved to @KENTNL, + inc::lib bootstrap
 - Made compatible with DZIL 2.0+

0.01010513 2009-12-04T01:46:57Z
 - Drop lots of downstream deps by using only ::DateTime
 - Reduced support for Olsons ( they're not that useful anyway, they change
   with daylight saving )
 - Fixed inc:: bootstrapping in build

0.01010014 2009-11-30T02:44:26Z
 - Fix Dep: Readonly

0.01010003 2009-11-29T15:50:13Z
 - Reworked the documentation to utilize Pod::Weaver.
 - +perltidy
 - +perlcritic
 - +compiletests
 - -use ok
 - +waverconfig
 - Injected gitty goodness into dist.ini
 - Ported to Pod::Weaver
 - Drop MakeMaker support

0.01006104 2009-10-21T16:56:39Z
 - Use MooseX::StrictConstructor ( Because I keep naming my args wrong )
 - Fixed POD Errors
 - Generated Compile tests
 - +Ship dist.ini
 - Upgraded docs with new Pod::Purler

0.01000119 2009-08-24T07:05:45Z
 - Fixed Timezone Coercion.
 - Docu Tweak

0.01000104 2009-08-24T04:05:23Z
 - First version.