Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib
1.000002 2014-07-15T07:33:24Z
[00 Trivial]
- Misc packaging cleanups
- Dependencies changed since 1.000001, see misc/*.deps* for details
- configure: (recommends: ↑1)
- develop: +3 -3 (suggests: +2 -1)
- test: (recommends: ↑1)
1.000001 2014-04-05T11:36:12Z
[00 Test Fixes]
- Drop dependency on Path::FindDev
- 5.008 : 207 → 204
- 5.010 : 186 → 183
- 5.019 : 167 → 164
- Dependencies changed since 1.000000, see misc/*.deps* for details
- test: +1 -1
1.000000 2014-04-05T06:23:20Z
[00 Major]
- This release contains mostly packaging changes that will be invisible to CPAN users.
- However, it may require attention for downstream non-CPAN tooling.
[01 Version Scheme]
- Version Scheme is shortened from a mantissa of 8 to a mantissa of 6
- This is the primary reason for the release.
[02 Tooling is MakeMaker based]
- Tooling is now switched to ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- instead of coercing users into installing the latest EUMM/TestMore/MB when not even necessary, that is now only the
recommended course of action.
- 5.008: 204 → 207
- 5.010: 184 → 186
- 5.019: 168 → 167
- Dependencies changed since 0.04000002, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: -1
- configure: +1 -1 (recommends: +1)
- develop: +7 ↑1 -9
- runtime: +1 ↑1
- test: +4 ↓1 (recommends: +4)
0.04000002 2013-11-18T07:22:31Z
[00 Minor/Bugfix]
- Regenerate files to try avoid a few failures
- Use Compile::PerFile
- Use latest Module::Build magic
- Rewrite tests to avoid stacked operators for 5.8 compat.
- Dependencies changed since 0.04000001, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: ↑1
- configure: ↑1
- develop: +43 ↑1 -1 (recommends: -1, suggests: +1 -1)
- test: ↑1 -3
- README.mkdn points to metacpan
0.04000001 2013-09-24T16:22:46Z
- Attempt to solve the problem of CPAN Smokers not having dzil in path by using Test::DZil instead.
- Dependencies changed since 0.04000000, see misc/*.deps* for details
- test: +3 -1
- additional test for new ::Role::Bootstrap behaviour
- update compile test
0.04000000 2013-09-05T08:17:38Z
[!Major and API breaking Changes]
- no_fallback deprecated in favour of fallback = 0/1
- reimplemented in terms of a proper Moose class and ::Role::Bootstrap
- add metapod and related info
- Dependencies changed since 0.03000200, see misc/*.deps* for details
- runtime: +2 -5
- test: +2
0.03000200 2013-09-03T03:36:10Z
- Add tests
- Minor refactor
- Dependencies changed since 0.03000101, see misc/*.deps* for details
- test: +3
0.03000101 2013-08-31T01:52:46Z
- accidental typo with boostrap_dir instead of bootstrap_dir
0.03000100 2013-08-31T01:43:36Z
- Now shows config in metaconfig with a bit of Moo wizzardry.
- Dependencies changed since 0.03000000, see misc/*.deps* for details
- runtime: +2
0.03000000 2013-08-30T23:46:07Z
- Less noisy in general usage.
- Now warns if paths that would be boostraped contain modules that are already loaded in %INC ( closes gh #1 )
- Tests regenerated with newer tools
- Dependencies changed since 0.02000100, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: ↑1
- configure: ↑1
- develop: +2 (suggests: ↑1)
- runtime: +1
- test: +2 -2
0.02000100 2013-04-06T09:53:45Z
- 2 fallback conditions were accidentally using the same logic, so only one would ever work.
- satisfactory build dirs accidentally lacked a 'lib' suffix, so resulted in a "fallthrough" to system.
0.02000000 2013-04-06T09:38:52Z
[!Noteworthy Changes]
- @INC mutation now done slightly later at C<register_component>, which lets us get payload parameters out, while
still executing the real work long before anything else. Though execution order still matters profusely.
- 3 new parameters,
- `try_built` tries to use a previous build instead of a "undef version" based bootstrap
- `fallback = 1` enables `try_built` to fall back to the `bootstrap lib` form ( this is the default )
- `no_fallback = 1` disables `fallback`
- Dependencies changed since 0.01023602, see misc/*.deps* for details
- runtime: +2 -2
0.01023602 2013-04-06T08:37:50Z
- Maintenance Release
- Dependencies changed since 0.01023601, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: ↑1
- configure: ↑1
- develop: +5 (recommends: ↑1, suggests: ↑1)
- test: ↑1
- Update Ⓒ year.
- Add README.mkdn
- bugtracker to github issues
- utilise Module::Build 0.4004
0.01023601 2012-02-02T19:41:29Z
- Maintenance Release
- Dependencies changed since 0.01023600, see misc/*.deps* for details
- develop: (suggests: ↑1)
- runtime: +3
- test: -1
- Packages declare $AUTHOR
- $VERSION declaration moved out of BEGIN
- Update LICENSE ( Year, Indent, Address )
- Move extra tests to xt/
- Move Git URLS' to https://
- add x_authority
- Moved to git versions.
0.01023600 2011-04-04T15:58:33Z
- Retooling release only.
- Dependencies changed since 0.01000003, see misc/*.deps* for details
- develop: +1 (recommends: +1, suggests: +1)
- Move to @Author::KENTNL
- ship .perltidyrc
- CPAN::Changes-ize it.
- Added cpan-changes tests.
- Dropped Portability tests.
0.01000003 2010-08-16T18:24:12Z
- First version.