Release history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-Check-Remote

0.2.0 2013-11-23T05:50:23Z
 [00 Major Changes]
 - Serious code overhauls contained, and may break dependendents.

 [01 Role Refactor]
 - This code has been in development for a while, mostly because I had
   trouble deciding how to implement it.
 - Couldn't choose between vertically-composed roles, or
   horizontally-composed roles, and the git history switches between the
   two several times.
 - Settled on the horizonal, mostly, because there were other things using
   these roles, and vertical composition would break them severely.
 - And vertical composition would force the roles to only work on DZil
   plugins, where there are consumers using them on DZ::App::Commands
 - ::Git::Remote is gone in this release, and replaced by ::Git::RemoteName
   and ::Git::RemoteNames

 - use namespace::autoclean
 - upgrade to latest Module::Build
 - upgrade to latest Test::More

 - Dependencies changed, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for details
 - build: ↑1
 - configure: ↑1
 - develop: +51 -3
 - runtime: +2
 - test: ↑1 -2

 - Changes now simplified with regards to dependencies.
 - People who want extended dependency details can check Changes.deps*
 - MetaPOD used extensively in this dist now, in fact, the existence of
   this dist is the inspiration for why MetaPOD exists.

 - Issues to github

 - New Role: Git::LocalRepository::CurrentBranch
 - New Role: Git::LocalRepository::LocalBranches
 - New Role: Git::RemoteName
 - New Role: Git::RemoteNames
 - Removed Role: Git::Remote

 - uses newer style Build.PL to support test_requires.

 - Now uses Test::Compile::PerFile
 - Updated to ReportVersions::Tiny to not report develop deps

 - Now a tool in utils/ that will emit recommended code for
   consuming a given role on its own with the minimal amount of fuss.
 - Output of this tool is used in documentation.

0.1.2 2012-03-26T19:47:17Z
 [Bug Fixes]
 - fix bug for when [Git::Remote::Check] is using all defaults (Karen

 - perl 5.006 is now the minimum

 - Dependencies changed, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for details
 - develop: ↑2
 - runtime: +1

 - Update LICENSE ( Year, Indent, Address )

 - xt/release/minimum-version.t

0.1.1 2011-10-15T02:53:58Z
 - First stable release, now fully documented.

 - Documented all Roles/Classes thoroughly
 - Added groups of POD for Parameters, Roles, and Required Methods.

 - Reintroduced xt/release/{kwalitee,pod-coverage}.t

0.1.0 2011-10-12T23:01:55Z
 - First version.