Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaData-BuiltWith

0.01018204 2010-12-08 06:05:34 Pacific/Auckland
          Finally fixed that pesky \n in the uname string.
          Moral of the story:  $/ is actually evil.
            ( Thanks to Apocalypse for prodding me into finally fixing this )

0.01016607 2010-11-22 09:30:38 Pacific/Auckland
          Replaced $] with { %{$^V} } to see the native version object
          instead of this deprecated string.

0.01014716 2010-11-04 18:26:16 Pacific/Auckland
          Clean source code/Update toolchain.
          Fixed issue with Prereqs not being discoverable.
          Minor refactor with More Autobox

0.01005122 2010-07-31 23:43:00 Pacific/Auckland
          Dep on version 4.101540 of Dist::Zilla::Role::ConfigDumper.
          ( This should reduce some test failures due to 'around dump_config' ) 

0.01005020 2010-07-30 21:06:26 Pacific/Auckland
          Skip 'perl' automatically when found in modules list. Can't depend on
          Added 'uname' reporting feature. This should mostly work still, and only warn when its run
            on a machine with no uname support and not publish uname data.
          Added dump_config reporting support for MetaConfig

0.01000216 2010-06-13 17:07:31 Pacific/Auckland

          Added a very overkill MetaData::BuiltWith::All module for those
          with suicidal tendencies.

0.01000022 2010-06-11 23:48:14 Pacific/Auckland

          First version.