Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaProvides
1.15000000 2013-09-21T07:07:03Z
[00 Minor Important Changes]
- now exports dump_config data
[Dependencies::Added / develop requires]
- Pod::Coverage::TrustPod
- Test::CPAN::Changes 0.19
- Test::CPAN::Meta
- Test::Kwalitee 1.08
- Test::Pod 1.41
- Test::Pod::Coverage 1.08
- version 0.9901
[Dependencies::Added / test requires]
- Carp
- IO::Handle
- lib
[Dependencies::Changed / build requires]
- Module::Build 0.4001 → 0.4007
[Dependencies::Changed / configure requires]
- Module::Build 0.4001 → 0.4007
[Dependencies::Changed / develop suggests]
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.4.2 → v1.8.3
[Dependencies::Removed / test requires]
- File::Find
- Retroactively normalise Changes.
- Add README.mkdn
- Update Copyright year
- Add MetaPOD stuff
- Bug tracker to github
- Github URI now Camel/UC firsted
- use Module::Build 0.4007 w/ test_requires
- Update compile and kwalitee tests
1.14000001 2012-07-26T16:24:41Z
- Defer version constraints to as late as possible to allow more circular
things to happen, avoiding compile-time failure in bootstrap.
[Dependencies::Added / runtime requires]
- Readonly
[Dependencies::Changed / build requires]
- Module::Build 0.3601 → 0.4001
[Dependencies::Changed / configure requires]
- Module::Build 0.3601 → 0.4001
[Dependencies::Changed / develop recommends]
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite 0.01009803 → v1.3.0
[Dependencies::Changed / develop suggests]
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.2.0 → v1.4.2
[Dependencies::Changed / test requires]
- Test::More 0.96 → 0.98
1.14000000 2012-02-07T08:45:13Z
- Reverted all non-documentation changes since 1.13x. Handling this in the
role level was a dumb idea anyway.
1.13000001 2012-02-04T09:04:53Z
- Improve documentation of skip_underscores and meta_noindex at the more
foward-facing sites.
1.13000000 2012-02-04T07:35:05Z
- Add a provisional filter that eliminates X::_y form namespaces ( a
hiding convention ), enabled by default. Toggle skip_underscore to
change. Thanks XDG/David Golden for reporting this in rt#74675.
1.12060502 2012-02-04T00:39:26Z
- Maintenance Release
[Dependencies::Added / runtime requires]
- perl 5.006
- strict
- warnings
[Dependencies::Changed / develop suggests]
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.0.0 → v1.2.0
[Dependencies::Removed / test requires]
- English
- added $AUTHORITY to all namespaces
- moved $VERSION out of BEGIN in all namespaces
- update LICENSE ( Year, Address, Indent )
- move extra tests to xt/
- move git URLs to https://
- export x_authority in metadata.
- move to git versions
1.12060501 2011-04-08T13:44:56Z
- rt#67325 : Should now depend on Test::More 0.96 to solve tests failing
on earlier versions.
[Dependencies::Changed / test requires]
- Test::More 0.88 → 0.96
1.12060212 2011-04-06T00:17:21Z
[Dependencies::Added / develop recommends]
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite 0.01009803
[Dependencies::Added / develop requires]
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite
[Dependencies::Added / develop suggests]
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.0.0
[Dependencies::Removed / develop recommends]
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::KENTNL::Lite 0.01009803
[Dependencies::Removed / develop requires]
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::KENTNL::Lite
[Dependencies::Removed / develop suggests]
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::KENTNL 0.01017119
- Many miscelany spelling mistakes fixed.
- copy_into now returns '1' when done.
- ProvideRecord Plugin is now immutablized.
- Type libraries no longer erroneously import Moose.
- Moved to @Author::KENTNL
- Reworked Changes to CPAN::Changes spec.
- Made critic happy and stricter.
- add CPAN::Changes tests.
- remove portability tests.
1.12044806 2010-11-06T18:20:55Z
- A little bit more testing of the codebase, tests should be now
comprehensive enough to detect most change-bugs.
[Dependencies::Added / test requires]
- Scalar::Util
1.12044803 2010-11-06T15:26:58Z
- Build ourself using MetaNoIndex to hide corpus/ crap.
- Add MetaNoIndex to suggest lists.
- Fix tests not to fail when there is no MetaNoIndex.
- PerlTidy allover.
[Dependencies::Added / develop requires]
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Bootstrap::lib
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaNoIndex
[Dependencies::Added / runtime suggests]
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaNoIndex
[Dependencies::Added / test suggests]
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaNoIndex
1.12044518 2010-11-04T06:32:54Z
- Spliced Test deps into its own module.
- Shipped work behind _try_regen_metadata to
- meta_noindex is now *ON* by default. This behavioural change is reason
for Bumping the minor to 12. Rationale: If you're using MetaNoIndex and
this module, then you want things to get skipped. With provides =>, cpan
won't do any indexing itself, so no_index in the data does nothing. So,
this module brings that power back to life by implementing it manually.
- Add thanks while I remember.
[Dependencies::Added / runtime requires]
- Dist::Zilla::Util::EmulatePhase 0.01000101
[Dependencies::Added / test requires]
- Dist::Zilla::Util::Test::KENTNL 0.01000004
[Dependencies::Removed / runtime requires]
- Carp
- Hash::Merge::Simple
[Dependencies::Removed / test requires]
- Dist::Zilla::Tester
- Params::Util
- Sub::Exporter
- Try::Tiny
1.11044405 2010-11-02T17:04:51Z
- Drop silly extra depends that sneaked in. It was hobbitses, and they are
[Dependencies::Removed / test requires]
- Config::INI::Reader
- Data::Dump
- Moose::Autobox
1.11044404 2010-11-02T16:25:56Z
- Upgrade to recent @KENTNL changes ( remove inc/ and xt/ from source
tree, relocate perlcritic.rc )
- Now have a convenience function, usable by all consuming roles that
permit filtering packages that match criteira added to MetaNoIndex. Once
your role uses this function, the attribute also bolted on by this
change ( meta_noindex = 1 ) will control this behaviour. Thanks to
xdg/David Golden for this suggestion.
[Dependencies::Added / develop recommends]
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::KENTNL::Lite 0.01009803
[Dependencies::Added / develop requires]
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::KENTNL::Lite
[Dependencies::Added / develop suggests]
- Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::KENTNL 0.01017119
[Dependencies::Added / runtime requires]
- Carp
- Hash::Merge::Simple
[Dependencies::Added / test requires]
- Config::INI::Reader
- Data::Dump
- Dist::Zilla::Tester
- English
- Moose::Autobox
- Params::Util
- Sub::Exporter
- Test::Fatal
- Try::Tiny
1.11034201 2010-07-24T13:35:56Z
- Forked into 4 smaller dists to reduce the installation overheads.
- Mostly so that people who want Metaprovides::Package don't have to
install MooseX::Declare and friends. ::Plugin::MetaProvides,
::Plugin::MetaProvides::Package, ::Plugin::MetaProvides::Class,
[Dependencies::Changed / runtime requires]
- Moose 0.89 → 0
- MooseX::Types 0.19 → 0
- MooseX::Types::Moose 0.19 → 0
- namespace::autoclean 0.08 → 0
[Dependencies::Changed / test requires]
- Test::More 0.92 → 0.88
[Dependencies::Removed / runtime requires]
- Carp
- Class::Discover 1.000001
- Config::INI::Reader
- Dist::Zilla 2.101310
- List::MoreUtils 0.22
- Module::Extract::Namespaces 0.14
- Module::Extract::VERSION 0.13
- Moose::Autobox 0.09
- MooseX::Has::Sugar 0.0404
- aliased 0.30
[Dependencies::Removed / test requires]
- Data::Dumper
- Dist::Zilla::App::Tester
- File::Find::Rule 0.30
- File::Find::Rule::Perl 1.09
- FindBin
- MooseX::Declare
- Path::Class::Dir 0.17
- Path::Class::File 0.17
- Test::Builder::Module
- Test::Perl::Critic
1.10034117 2010-07-24T05:37:49Z
- Dropped xt/author/kwalitee.t to avoid the needless dep. ( Kwalitee Test
plugin doesn't have this issue )
1.10027802 2010-05-22T13:08:02Z
- Replaced most of dist.ini with @KENTNL ( Yeilding more accurate t/
depends )
- Removed =inc::Dist style loopback in favour of the more reliable and
more generic =inc::lib
1.10027518 2010-05-20T05:33:10Z
- Upgraded tests to Dist::Zilla 2.x. ( should resolve rt #56482 ) ( Thanks
to DAXIM/Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ 迪拉斯 for reporting )
- Upgraded dist.ini to Dist::Zilla 2.x
1.10001919 2009-09-12T06:17:57Z
- Dropped the version dep on FindBin because it causes problems for some.
Apparently deping on something that may or may not be in core which may
or may not be in core later is a bad thing.
- Added CompileTests
- Add dist.ini to release for diagnostic reasons.
1.10000417 2009-08-28T04:52:32Z
- Moved the tests around.
- More tests.
- All versions now maxing out to encourage upgrading.
- Moved to relative dating scheme
- Tighter DogFeed Loopback in buildsystem.
- Critic'd.
- Documentation Upped on the plugs.
1.0920022 2009-07-19T22:52:48Z
- Moved Documentation to a .pm file to satisfy Module::Build
1.0920015 2009-07-19T15:31:07Z
- Now eating own dog food.
- Scan *.pm|*.pod so that .pod files index properly
- Only scan lib/
- Fixed Bug with META's having ; in them.
1.0920012 2009-07-19T12:24:43Z
- First version.