Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaProvides-Package
2.000003 2014-07-28T23:48:39Z
[00 Trivial]
- Move to org
- Update version reporter.
- Dependencies changed since 2.000002, see misc/*.deps* for details
- develop: (suggests: ↑1)
- test: +2 ↑1 (recommends: +1)
2.000002 2014-07-13T19:42:09Z
[00 Trivial]
- Minor packaging changes.
- Dependencies changed since 2.000001, see misc/*.deps* for details
- configure: (recommends: ↑1)
- develop: +3 -3 (suggests: +2 -1)
- test: (recommends: ↑2)
2.000001 2014-02-06T17:13:11Z
[00 Bugfix]
- Need newer Dzil for encoded_content
- 5.10 : 185 → 184
- 5.19 : 169 → 167
- Devel::FindPerl was dropped from Build to Test in Module::Path
- Dist::Zilla::Util::Test::KENTNL stopped causing MB upgrade on 5.19
- Dependencies changed since 2.000000, see misc/*.deps* for details
- runtime: +1
2.000000 2014-02-02T06:25:35Z
[00 Major]
- Toolkit moved to EUMM.
- Tooling dependencies softened.
- IO::String no longer used.
- Version schema moved to mantissa length = 6 ( primary reason for 1 → 2 )
- 5.10 : before = 186 , after: 185
- 5.19 : before = 171 , after: 169
- Limited by Dzil → Path::Class → Module::Build
- Limited by DZP:Test::KENTNL → Module::Build
- Dependencies changed since 1.15000003, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: -1
- configure: +1 -1 (recommends: +1)
- develop: +3 ↑1 -4
- runtime: -1
- test: +4 ↓1 (recommends: +4)
1.15000003 2014-01-13T06:37:51Z
[00 Minor]
- Bug Fix: Previous release dropped data about vivified finders from metaconfig, so instead, now reports finder data
directly as child elements.
- Great DZIL Whitespace injection commences.
- Dependencies changed since 1.15000002, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: ↑1
- configure: ↑1
- develop: +1 ↑1 -1
- runtime: +1
1.15000002 2014-01-08T08:12:21Z
[00 Minor]
- Bug fix: Overzealously triggered finder vivification, which lead to modules/finders being declared after the plugin
not being useable ( Including ones injected by dzil ). - Minor Critic Tweaks.
- newer Module::Build - Perl 5.10 is minimum, because /m is partially broken on 5.8
- Dependencies changed since 1.15000001, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: ↑1
- configure: ↑1
- develop: +3 ↑1 -4
- runtime: ↑1
1.15000001 2013-11-22T04:02:12Z
- Upgrade MB and Test::More
- Dependencies changed since 1.15000000, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: ↑1
- configure: ↑1
- develop: +43 ↑1 -1 (recommends: -1, suggests: +1 -1)
- test: ↑1 -3
- Tidy up Changes files re:deps.
- Build.PL has new Fallback logic from DZIL>5
- Use Test::Compile::PerFile
- Reports no develop deps due to newer ReportVersions Test
1.15000000 2013-09-21T07:43:15Z
[00 Major - File Finder]
- Guts now uses a FileFinder to find files
- Specify finder to override
- Mostly FileFinderUser API compatibile, but different
- If a FileFinder is not specified by the user, one will be provided for you, and placed in zilla->plugins, using a
derivative of the plugins name.
- Provided finder only matches .pm files instead of .pm and .pod files
[00 Minor]
- Shows meta config now
- Now requires MooseX::LazyRequire
- Use New MB , Test::More, and DZP:MetaProvides
- Dependencies changed since 1.14000003, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: ↑1
- configure: ↑1
- develop: +1 (suggests: ↑1)
- runtime: +2 ↑1
- test: +3 -2
- Changes file normalised retroactively
- compile and kwalitee tests updated.
1.14000003 2013-07-09T01:30:35Z
- Upgrade runtime deps on Data::Dump to 1.16 ( closes gh #2 ), thanks xenoterracide.
- Upgrade MB and Test::More
- Upgrade Data::Dump
- Dependencies changed since 1.14000002, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: ↑1
- configure: ↑1
- develop: +1 (suggests: ↑1)
- runtime: ↑1
- MetaPOD annotations and graph data added.
1.14000002 2013-04-09T03:09:31Z
- Minor Maintenance release.
- Upgrade MB and Test::More
- Dependencies changed since 1.14000001, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: ↑1
- configure: ↑1
- develop: +5 (recommends: ↑1, suggests: ↑1)
- test: ↑1
- Add README.mkdn
- Update copyright year
- Bugs to github issues
- now 2-stage bootstrap to eliminate 'undef' versions in released metadata.
- utilises test_requires from Module::Build 0.4004
1.14000001 2012-02-26T20:46:35Z
- Use Module::Metadata 1.000005
- Dependencies changed since 1.14000000, see misc/*.deps* for details
- runtime: ↑1
1.14000000 2012-02-07T14:46:46Z
- previous versions had no support for standardised ways of hiding various types of internal packages as identified in
- this release attempts to remedy that problem but incurs significant changes to facilitate this, which may cause
potential problems for existing code.
- however, its deemed incredibly unlikely that you have a legitimate use for any of the problems that this release
might raise.
- If you use the "package # comment \n packagename" formatting, that package name will no longer be indexed ( was in
previous versions )
- If you prefix a token with _, that entire namespace will be ignored, e.g.: _Foo , Foo::_Bar , Foo::_Bar::Baz and
Foo::Bar::_Baz are all ignored.
- the namespaces 'main' and 'DB' will be arbitrarily ignored. Its deemed unlikely you have a legitimate use for trying
to 'provide' those 2 packages, and now, if you so happen to use them, they'll be helpfully ignored. ( Previously,
people had to use meta_noindex to exclude that pesky DB entry )
- rt#74675 Should hopefully be resolved by this release, thanks be to XDG/David Golden for reporting this bug and
providing helpful advice on how to handle it, as well as his contributions to Module::Metadata which this code now
- use Module::MetaData, MooseX::Types::Moose
- upgrade MetaProvides
- Remove Module::Extract::*
- Dependencies changed since 1.12060502, see misc/*.deps* for details
- runtime: +3 ↑2 -3 (suggests: -1)
- test: +1
- Now uses Module::Metadata for both package and version probing.
- the namespaces 'main' and 'DB' will now be automatically ignored and not injected into the provides map for any
- namespaces masked with the standard 'package # comment \n packagename' style are now ignored.
- namespaces with a leading underscore in any token ( ie: _Foo::Bar or Foo::_Bar ) are ignored.
- Files are no longer required to be sloshed out into a tempdir in order to be scanned. ( Yielding a minor performance
boost )
- internal debugging is slightly more verbose
- Retroactively fixing changelog because something blew it away last time.
- Added a .perltidyrc
- Added a test for correct behaviour of "private" and "hidden" packages of various standard forms.
1.12060502 2012-02-04T03:50:41Z
- declare Data::Dump and a minimum perl as deps.
- Dependencies changed since 1.12060501, see misc/*.deps* for details
- develop: (suggests: ↑1)
- runtime: +4 (suggests: +1)
- test: -1
- All namespaces declare $AUTHORITY
- $VERSION moved out of BEGIN
- enhanced debug logging
- Update License ( Year, Indent, Address )
- Move extra tests to xt/
- git resource URL's moved to https://
- x_authority set in metadata.
- versioning moved to git
- Add an early test for perl-5.14 package support
1.12060501 2011-04-08T13:49:06Z
- rt#67325 : Should now depend on Test::More 0.96 to solve tests failing on earlier versions.
- Dependencies changed since 1.12060213, see misc/*.deps* for details
- test: ↑1
1.12060213 2011-04-06T01:20:11Z
- Dependencies changed since 1.12044908, see misc/*.deps* for details
- develop: +1 -1 (recommends: +1 -1, suggests: +1 -1)
- Minor refactors to make Critic happy about the complexity.
- Move to @Author::KENTNL
- Tighten Critic.
- Rework Changes for CPAN::Changes.
- added CPAN::Changes
- removed Portabilty
1.12044908 2010-11-07T20:08:27Z
- Stronger deps on MetaNoIndex
- Moved t/ to corpus
- Note: upstream deps moved meta_no_index to default to ON.
- Minor bumped to match MetaProvides.
- Contents is stashed in a File::Temp before handing it to Module::Extract::* for portability reasons ( I can't
guarantee a passed file exists on disk, and ME needs them on disk to work )
- Added some tests that mean something.
- Use File::Temp and a few other test tools
- Use newer MetaProvides bases.
1.11044404 2010-11-02T16:58:53Z
- Update dist info.
- Integrated the new meta_noindex / _apply_meta_noindex behaviour added to the role.
1.11034304 2010-07-25T16:18:01Z
- Improved documentation so people don't need to do so much link checking. ( This is pretty much an acknowledgement
that this side package, which was largely just a side-effect of the one designated for MX::D, has attained so much
unexpected use that it warrants being the primary reason to install this plugin =) )
[Dependencies::Removed / runtime requires]
- aliased
- Dependencies changed since 1.11034201, see misc/*.deps* for details
- runtime: -1
1.11034201 2010-07-24T13:38:32Z
- History forks here from Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides
1.10034117 2010-07-24T05:37:49Z
- Dropped xt/author/kwalitee.t to avoid the needless dep. ( Kwalitee Test plugin doesn't have this issue )
1.10027802 2010-05-22T13:08:02Z
- Replaced most of dist.ini with @KENTNL ( Yeilding more accurate t/ depends )
- Removed =inc::Dist style loopback in favour of the more reliable and more generic =inc::lib
1.10027518 2010-05-20T05:33:10Z
- Upgraded tests to Dist::Zilla 2.x. ( should resolve rt #56482 ) ( Thanks to DAXIM/Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ 迪拉斯 for reporting )
- Upgraded dist.ini to Dist::Zilla 2.x
1.10001919 2009-09-12T06:17:57Z
- Dropped the version dep on FindBin because it causes problems for some. Apparently deping on something that may or
may not be in core which may or may not be in core later is a bad thing.
- Added CompileTests
- Add dist.ini to release for diagnostic reasons.
1.10000417 2009-08-28T04:52:32Z
- Moved the tests around.
- More tests.
- All versions now maxing out to encourage upgrading.
- Moved to relative dating scheme
- Tighter DogFeed Loopback in buildsystem.
- Critic'd.
- Documentation Upped on the plugs.
1.0920022 2009-07-19T22:52:48Z
- Moved Documentation to a .pm file to satisfy Module::Build
1.0920015 2009-07-19T15:31:07Z
- Now eating own dog food.
- Scan *.pm|*.pod so that .pod files index properly
- Only scan lib/
- Fixed Bug with META's having ; in them.
1.0920012 2009-07-19T12:24:43Z
- First version.