Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ModuleInstall

1.000001 2014-07-30T04:06:36Z
 - Declare test requires for a Path::Tiny that can export tempdir

 - Dependencies changed since 1.000000, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - test: ↑1 -1 (recommends: ↑1 -2)

1.000000 2014-07-29T10:55:00Z
 [00 Major]
 - Packaging changes that may affect downstream who work by hand

 [01 Version Scheme Change]
 - Migrating from x.yyyyyyyy ( = 8 ) to x.yyyyyy ( = 6 )
 - This is the primary reason for the 1.x on the box.

 [02 Toolkit Change]
 - Shipping is now done exclusively with ExtUtils::MakeMaker
 - This means it may be some more time before this actually has tests.
 - No More Dogfood

 [03 Misc]
 - Handling failure cases with MI slightly improved.
 - Depending on a version of ::Tempdir that acutally emits files.
 - Moved to kentnl org

 - Dependencies changed since 0.02000000, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - build: -1
 - configure: ↓1 (recommends: +1)
 - develop: +44 -2 (recommends: -1, suggests: +1 ↑1)
 - runtime: +3 ↑2 -1
 - test: +10 ↓1 -2 (recommends: +5)

0.02000000 2013-04-06T06:45:47Z
 - Maintenance/Bugfix release

 [!Noteworthy Changes]
 - Properly supports BuildRunner role now so works again with dzil xtest

 - Dependencies changed since 0.01054021, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - develop: +5 (recommends: ↑1, suggests: ↑1)
 - runtime: +3
 - test: ↑1

 - Update copyright year
 - add README.mkdn

 - defer build/test to MakeMaker::Runner, copying implementation details from MakeMaker

 - Bug tracker to github

 - Rebuilt with Module::Install 1.06

0.01054021 2012-02-02T19:30:41Z
 - Maintenance release

 - Dependencies changed since 0.01054020, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - develop: (suggests: ↑1)
 - runtime: +3
 - test: -1

 - Update LICENSE ( Indent, Date, Address )
 - Move extra-tests to xt/
 - Git urls moved to https://
 - x_authority declared in meta.
 - Update to M::I 1.04
 - Move to git based versioning.

0.01054020 2011-04-04T15:36:00Z
 - rt#61170 "wrong inc::module::install prereq" should be fixed in this release.

 - Dependencies changed since 0.01029216, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - develop: +1 (recommends: +1, suggests: +1)
 - runtime: -1
 - test: +1

 - No longer indexes ^inc:: things. ( rt#61170 )
 - Move to @Author::KENTNL
 - use Bootstrap::lib
 - Changes to CPAN::Changes style.
 - no longer ship inc/
 - Ship .perltidyrc and perlcritic.rc

 - Remove hand-spun critic-tests.
 - Drop portability tests.
 - Add CPAN::Changes tests.

0.01029216 2010-08-04T11:37:06Z
 - Upgraded codebase to work with DZil 4.
 - New support for build/test/config/recommends phases.
 - Now dies and leaves you in the tempdir if it manages to generate  a fubared Makefile.PL
 - Now using Latest Role::Tempdir
 - General overhaul of everything.
 - This release hopefully resolves rt #55840 ( reported by Salve J. Nilsen )
 - This now ships its own default test-runner.
 - Attempted support at supporting scripts via :ExecFiles
 - More errors moved to occur in the dzil phase, not in the templater  ( which suppresses sneaky errors that I had
   happening because the code in the templates were dying, and emitting "hurp, something failed" into the template,
   which, being perl code, wasn't too great )
 - Emitted Makefile.PL has more comments explaining whats happening.
 - Injects a "Hey, don't modify this file!" warning.

 - Dependencies changed since 0.01002219, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - runtime: +7 ↑1 -1
 - test: +3

0.01002219 2009-11-13T14:03:57Z
 - First version.