Release history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-Recommend-MatchInstalled

0.002000 2014-07-15T15:14:40Z
 [00 Major]
 - Various changes that may affect downstreams who work by hand.
 - Misc other packaging cleanups.

 [01 Tooling Changes]
 - Now uses EUMM instead of MB ( )
 - Dependencies on "latest" toolchain parts dropped from "requires" to "recommends"

 - Dependencies changed since 0.001000, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - build: -1 (recommends: -1)
 - configure: +1 -1 (recommends: +1 -1)
 - develop: +5 -5 (suggests: +2 -1)
 - test: (recommends: +1 ↑1)

0.001000 2014-01-29T19:05:59Z
 - First version.