Revision history for Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-KENTNL
1.2.0 2011-11-05T06:33:40Z
- changed: develop sugggests Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL
v1.1.0 -> v1.2.0
- removed: runtime requires Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoVersion::Relative
- Removed twitter-only mode.
- removed support for autoversion. Git versions now mandatory.
- Reorganised plugin configuration.
1.1.1 2011-10-31T04:25:07Z
- new: Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::MinimumVersion
1.1.0 2011-10-30T18:18:21Z
- new: runtime requires Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MinimumPerl
- new: runtime requires perl 5.10.0
- new: runtime requires version
- new: runtime requires Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Encoding
- All newly minted dists get [-Encoding] for free
- All dists now get xt/minimum-version.t
- All dists will have their Perl's set to 5.10 if they are 3-part.
- New dists will dep on 1.1.0
- Existing dists will suggest 1.1.0
- new: Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::KENTNL::MinimumPerl, contains an
additional 3-part version check that forces Perl 5.10.0
- Reformated Props list.
- Wrap method names in C<>
- Encoding POD lines added.
- new: xt/release/minimum-version.t
1.0.22 2011-10-07T21:14:49Z
- Added dependency on Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Twitter at version 0.011 for
TRIAL support. ( 1.0.21-source-2-gca0180a )
- Now properly creates non-broken URI's on -TRIAL releases.
( 1.0.21-source-2-gca0180a )
1.0.21 2011-09-10T20:26:52Z
- Tweets URL to the Changelog on MetaCPAN.
1.0.20 2011-09-10T19:45:36Z
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Authority
- Use Authority.
1.0.19 2011-09-06T19:42:54Z
- Only call uname on Linux. ( Reported by James Laver )
1.0.18 2011-09-02T10:03:50Z
- Credit all the other authors now using @Author::
1.0.17 2011-08-29T19:54:39Z
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Compile 1.122400 # required to circumvent a
bug with __END__
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Kwalitee 1.112410 # required to avoid a bug
with 'plan'
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Perl::Critic # replaces CriticTests
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::KwaliteeTests
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CriticTests
1.0.16 2011-08-28T07:59:59Z
- English
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckExtraTests # more useful sometimes
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Compile
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CompileTests
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ExtraTests
- All extra-tests now shipped in xt/ instead of t/, and they're only
called by Dzil.
1.0.15 2011-08-23T21:48:10Z
- Recent Dist::Zilla / Prereq Scanners report strict/warnings which broke
tests. Fixed now, thanks tjmc.
- strict # new dist zilla reports this
- warnings # new dist zilla reports this
- Dist::Zilla 4.300000 is now the minimum version
- Perl::PrereqScanner 1.006 is also a new minimum requirement.
- Versions no longer declared in BEGIN { } # new dzil.
1.0.14 2011-07-18T21:23:49Z
- Reworked handling of auto_prereqs_skip not to carp needlessly.
- Can use multiple values of auto_prereqs_skip now.
- Now stricter about flags passed to detect typos.
- Minted dists now have an example auto_prereqs_skip
- Minter test now tests auto_prereq generation and the auto_prereqs_skip
1.0.13 2011-07-17T01:06:15Z
- Fixed an issue where the change of Dzil's Autoprereqs 'skip' parameter
started taking an array instead, by using an array. ( External interface
is still the same though )
- Dist::Zilla 4.200011 is now the minimum requirement, as that has the
adjusted Autoprereqs
- Web metadata now uses HTTPS:// urls.
1.0.12 2011-07-12T09:57:41Z
- Version explicit dependency added to Test::File::ShareDir 0.3.0 which is
required for -root to be optional.
1.0.11 2011-07-11T04:56:38Z
- Redo the git hack using ENV flags instead of a config file as it still
doesn't work as intended. Need both AUTHOR and CONFIG env variables.
- Minting test now more detailed with arbitrary pass indicators to
indicate where fails occur.
1.0.10 2011-07-11T03:41:19Z
- Retroactive Changes normalization
- Change git behaviour in the Minter test so git environment is always
sane-ish and doesn't report weirdness.
1.0.9 2011-06-13T23:50:29Z
- Capture::Tiny
- File::pushd
- FindBin
- Path::Class
- Test::DZil
- Test::Fatal
- Test::File::ShareDir
- Test::Output
- Comments out autoversion_relative fields in generated dist.ini as a move
towards eliminating it.
- Pre-Injects Abstract and Moose to new Modules.
- Sets a custom template provider in the profile.
- share/profiles/default/, template for my modules.
- corpus/global/config.ini, a default "Global" configuaration for test
- 01-Minter.t, A reasonably exhaustive mint > build > testbuild domino
1.0.8 2011-06-12T22:41:51Z
- No longer warns about unspecified Autoversion::Relative params when
using Git::NextVersion
1.0.7 2011-04-24T13:45:19Z
- Depend on LWP::Protocol::https >= 6.0 to make sure ::Twitter works.
- Use CPAN::Changes 0.17 instead of hacking it ourself.
1.0.6 2011-04-13T13:15:49Z
- Removed Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CPANChangesTests
- Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::CPAN::Changes
- Replace CPANChangesTests with Test::CPAN::Changes
1.0.5 2011-04-03T15:21:54Z
- Can now pass 'auto_prereqs_skip' instead of having to filter the bundle
and mangle things.
- Newly Minted Changes file is more formal and CPAN::Changes-like.
- Now comes with utils/ to translate Dist::Zilla style
datestamps to W3CDTF while retaining accuracy.
- Now comes with utils/ to run a Changes file through
CPAN::Changes and normalize the output.
- All code run through Perl::Tidy.
1.0.4 2011-04-03T12:08:53Z
- Moved dependency on CompileTests plugin from 1.101800 to 1.110930 to
avoid rt#67183
- Removed extra whitespace padding on injected release stamp lines. This
results in the generated file being the same as a parsed and
re-serialized version of the same file as per how CPAN::Changes sees it.
- Rebuilt with rt#67183 test annoyance solved.
1.0.3 2011-04-03T01:00:33Z
- Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CPANChangesTests
- Now generate versions in W3CDTF form for compatibility with CPAN
- Add CPANChangesTests to all generated dists.
- Reworked Changes file to be closer to CPAN::Changes spec, as well as to
be more informative.
1.0.2 2011-02-07T14:53:13Z
- Added a rant section on the Author:: scheme.
- Cite other authors using the Author:: scheme.
- Moved to being @Author::KENTNL
1.0.1 2011-01-12T19:03:19Z
- Now suggests @KENTNL 1.0.0 for Devel Suggests.
- Fix the default version to be unpadded. Its useless with padding anyway.
1.000.000 2011-01-09T10:15:06Z
- Initial version on new dists is now 0.1.0 instead of 0.01000
- Migrate to Gentoo style version numbers.
0.01023312 2011-01-01T20:01:33Z
- Use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoPrereqs instead of ::AutoPrereq
- Add Git::NextVersion 1.102810
- Drop portability tests.
- Add ::Prereqs
0.01023311 2011-01-01T19:31:37Z
- Ini generation previously produced "Prereq" instead of the now-standard
"Prereqs". This is now fixed.
- Dropped Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PortabilityTests.
- Added Class::Load
- Ships now with minting profile 'Author::KENTNL'. New dists can be minted
via "dzil new -P Author::KENTNL Some::Dist::Name". This profile is
shipped in the ShareDir for this module name.
- Consuming dists can now set 'git_versions = 1' as a flag to this plugin
to use Git::NextVersion instead of AutoVersion::Relative.
- Now ship .perltidyrc files with all dists by adding an exclusion to
PruneCruft/GatherDir. Have to drop portability tests as a result.
- Internal Loading code replaced with Class::Load.
0.01017322 2010-11-04T06:56:23Z
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaData::BuiltWith : 0.01014716 => 0.01005122
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides : 1.11034201 => 1.12044518
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides::Package : 1.11044404 => 1.11034304
0.01017122 2010-11-02T06:00:35Z
- Injects PluginBundle dependencies and suggestions for all modules built
with this as "Develop" time requirements.
0.01017119 2010-11-02T03:50:49Z
- Use AutoPrereqs instead AutoPrereq in the Bundle.
- Use Prereqs instead of Prereq in the Bundle.
0.01010423 2010-08-28T07:47:18Z
- Boostrap::lib now required for Development.
- Author::KENTNL::DistINI injects "Bootstrap::lib" instead of "=inc::lib".
0.01009310 2010-08-16T18:13:54Z
- Now Depends on Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CriticTests 1.102280
- now needed to Build/Test.
- File::Spec no longer needed.
- FindBin no longer needed.
- Now uses Bootstrap::lib during develop time instead of bundling an inc::
file in every dist.
- inc:: now cleaned out as a result.
- perlcriticrc moved to perlcritic.rc as a result of using CriticTests
instead of our own shipped tests.
- Removed redundant noeol.t which existed purely as a temporary solution.
0.01008321 2010-08-07T05:56:23Z
- Autoversion::Relative moves from 0.01034313 to 0.01035617 to solve Moose
Deprecation problems.
- Author::KENTNL::DistINI generation now inserts in a default 'hash_tags='
for twitter.
0.01007922 2010-08-03T06:25:33Z
- Adds Plugins to dependencies: AutoPrereq, ConfirmRelease, ExtraTests,
GatherDir, Git::Check, Git::CommitBuild, Git::Tag, License, Manifest,
MetaConfig, MetaJSON, MetaTests, MetaYAML, ModuleBuild, PkgVersion,
PodCoverageTests, PodSyntaxTests, PruneCruft, TestRelease, UploadToCPAN.
- Depends on AutoVersion::Relative moves from 0.01006104 to 0.01034313
- Depends on MetaData::BuiltWith moves from 0.01000022 to 0.01005122 for
its new features.
- Depends on MetaProvides moves from 1.11 to 1.11034201
- Depends on MetaProvides::Package moves from 1.11 to 1.11034304
- Depends on MooseX::Has::Sugar moves from 0.05 to 0.05044
- Depends on Test::EOL moves from 0.8 to 0.9
- Uses new features in MetaData::BuiltWith to display a customised result
from uname
0.01007006 2010-07-24T14:40:46Z
- Test::Perl::Critic no longer a mandatory dependency for testing.
Author/Release testing only.
- Dependency on Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides moves from 1.10027518 to
1.11 for the new "Split" dependencies.
- Adds Dependency on Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides::Package 1.11 for
new Split dependencies.
- Dependency on MooseX::Has::Sugar moves from 0.0405 to 0.05
- Consumer can now specify hash tags to append to the tweeted release
notice via 'hash_tags'
0.01006912 2010-07-23T20:56:10Z
- CompileTests plugin moves from 1.092870 to 1.101800
- Git plugin moves from 1.093410 to 1.102040
- Various style and formatting fixes.
- A Smattering of spelling fixes.
- Now supports [ "Plugin" , "alias" ] for a plugin name to manually
specify the aliases name where it was previously autogenerated and
derived from the Plugin name itself. ( This proves to be a problem when
you want to use the same plugin twice ).
0.01002610 2010-06-11T18:44:05Z
- Removed Repository Plugin.
- Added GithubMeta Plugin at version 0.08
- Dependency on Dist::Zilla moves from 4.101582 to 4.101612
- Added MetaData::BuiltWith 0.01000022
- Dropped "Repository" in favour of "GithubMeta"
- Test::EOL moves from 0.7 to 0.8
- Dists will now ship with MetaData explaining What they were built with.
- Metadata plugins that do work with Git repos now only triggered when git
is enabled.
0.01002504 2010-06-10T12:10:51Z
- Adds Dist::Zilla::File::FromCode, Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer,
- Now ships Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::KENTNL::DistINI to make dist
minting easier. Now I can just 'dzil new Module-Name' and start hacking
0.01002419 2010-06-10T03:38:51Z
- Adds Dist::Zilla::Plugin::EOLTests 0.02
- Adds Test::EOL 0.7
- Adds File::Spec
- Adds FindBin
- Adds End of line Tests via EOLTests plugin.
- Ships a hardcoded temporary replacement for Test::EOL while Test::EOL
fixes get done.
0.01002321 2010-06-09T05:13:23Z
- Adds IO::Socket::SSL and Net::SSLeay 1.36. Net::Twitter does not work
without these, and they work when force-installed on win32.
- This release is also intending to test my patched version of
0.01002309 2010-06-08T17:47:53Z
- inc::lib hack fixed to work with Dist::Zilla 4 series.
- Dist::Zilla moved to 4.101582 from 2.101310
- Added KwaliteeTests plugin version 1.101420
- Added PortabilityTests 1.101420 Plugin.
- Added ReportVersions::Tiny 1.01 Plugin.
- ReademeFromPod plugin moved from 0.04 to 0.12
- Added Pod::Coverage::TrustPod
- Added Test::CPAN::Meta
- Adds File::Temp
- Test::More moves to 0.88
- Test::Kwalitee removed as its only a release test now.
- Twitter can be disabled via notwitter.
- Adds MetaTests to the Test cycle.
- Adds ReportVersions::Tiny to all distributions to give nice installtime
- Adds Kwalitee and Portability release tests for QA purposes.
- Added small system for generating feature set toggles in the bundle.
- Handwritten kwalitee.t is replaced by generated one from the
KwaliteeTests plugin.
0.01001714 2010-06-02T22:11:42Z
- Improved Bundle synopsis explaining toggle switches.
- Add ENV flags that also toggle things.
- Can now specify that we only want to tweet a release with
KENTNL_TWITTER_ONLY=1 dzil release and get a dumb no-git no-cpan twitter
0.01001713 2010-06-02T21:04:31Z
- Re-attempted release of 0.01001712 except with a (hopefully) working
.netrc so the twitter thing Actually Works(TM).
0.01001712 2010-06-02T20:54:05Z
- Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Twitter 0.007
- Can now tweet releases if your .netrc is set up correctly.
0.01000600 2010-05-22T08:33:14Z
- First version.