Release history for Dist-Zilla-Role-Bootstrap
1.000002 2014-07-15T09:52:40Z
[00 Trivial]
- Minor packaging cleanups.
- Dependencies changed since 1.000001, see misc/*.deps* for details
- configure: (recommends: ↑1)
- develop: +3 -3 (suggests: +2 -1)
- test: (recommends: ↑1)
1.000001 2014-04-05T07:37:23Z
[00 Test Fixes]
- Drop dependency on Path::FindDev
- 5.008 : 207 → 205
- 5.010 : 187 → 185
- 5.019 : 166 → 163
- Dependencies changed since 1.000000, see misc/*.deps* for details
- test: +1 -1
1.000000 2014-04-05T05:29:35Z
[00 Major]
- This distribution has a few changes that are major enough that non-perl toolchains may need to pay attention.
- Everyone else should find the changes in this release boring, except maybe those who are trying to get off the
Module::Build train.
[01 Versioning Scheme change]
- x.y.z becomes x.abydez, aka: Floats. If this is a problem, please normalise versions downstream.
- Versioning scheme change is primary reason for 1.XXX on the box.
[02 Tooling Change]
- Internals now run on ExtUtils::MakeMaker instead of Module::Build.
- 5.008 : 205 → 207
- 5.010 : 183 → 187
- 5.019 : 167 → 166
- Dependencies changed since 0.2.3, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: -1
- configure: +1 -1 (recommends: +1)
- develop: +7 ↑1 -9
- runtime: +1 ↑1
- test: +3 ↓1 (recommends: +4)
0.2.3 2013-11-18T17:50:53Z
[00 Bugfix]
- Depend on a minimum version of MooseX::AttributeShortcuts to provide builder => sub {} support
- Thanks, Graham Ollis for reporting, closes #1
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts 0 → 0.015
- Dependencies changed since 0.2.2, see misc/*.deps* for details
- runtime: ↑1
0.2.2 2013-11-18T04:24:16Z
[00 Minor/Bugfix]
- Drop mandatory dep on 5.10.1. You will need a recent if you want a version-specific dependency to work
- Use latest MB Magic
- Switch to Compile::PerFile
- Module::Build upgrade
- perl v5.10.0 → 5.006
- Test::More 0.98 → 1.001002
- Dependencies changed since 0.2.1, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: ↑1
- configure: ↑1
- develop: +43 ↑1 -1 (recommends: -1, suggests: +1 -1)
- runtime: ↓1
- test: ↑1 -3
- Use MetaCPAN in README.mkdn
- Regenerate Report::Versions to not report develop things.
- S/Compile/Compile::PerFile/
0.2.1 2013-09-24T02:37:30Z
- use ->realpath for comparisons to avoid symlink confusion on darwin
- use $zilla->root instead of calling cwd()
- Dependencies changed since 0.2.0, see misc/*.deps* for details
- runtime: -1
0.2.0 2013-09-21T12:39:54Z
[00 Major - try_built_method]
- New mechanisms for try_built if there is >1 build trees
- Default mechanism 'mtime' picks built dir with the most recent mtime
- Alternative mechanism attempts to parse versions out of build dirs and use the latest
- added : List::UtilsBy
- added : version
- added : File::Copy::Recursive
- Dependencies changed since 0.1.0, see misc/*.deps* for details
- runtime: +2
- test: +2
0.1.0 2013-09-04T11:24:24Z
- First version.