Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Util-EmulatePhase

0.01025803 2013-10-31T12:44:10Z
 - Add MakeMaker::Awesome to the whitelist ( fixes RT#89828 )

 [Dependencies::Added / develop requires]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL 2.000000
 - Pod::Coverage::TrustPod
 - Test::CPAN::Changes 0.19
 - Test::CPAN::Meta
 - Test::Kwalitee 1.12
 - Test::Pod 1.41
 - Test::Pod::Coverage 1.08
 - version 0.9901

 [Dependencies::Added / develop suggests]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite v1.3.0

 [Dependencies::Added / test requires]
 - File::Spec
 - IO::Handle
 - IPC::Open3

 [Dependencies::Changed / build requires]
 - Module::Build 0.4002 → 0.4007

 [Dependencies::Changed / configure requires]
 - Module::Build 0.4002 → 0.4007

 [Dependencies::Changed / test requires]
 - Test::More 0.98 → 0.99

 [Dependencies::Removed / develop recommends]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite v1.3.0

 [Dependencies::Removed / develop requires]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite

 [Dependencies::Removed / develop suggests]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.4.2

 [Dependencies::Removed / test requires]
 - File::Find
 - File::Temp

 - Specify encoding
 - add README.mkdn to dist
 - add MetaPOD Annotations
 - add MetaPOD layout

 - bugs to github issues
 - travis testing now active

 - Use recent Module::Build for test_requires

 - Regenerate 00-compile.t 
 - Regenerate 000-report-versions-tiny.t
 - Regenerate xt/release/cpan-changes.t
 - Regenerate xt/release/kwalitee.t

0.01025802 2012-07-28T20:17:35Z
 - Handle some odd cases that turn up when you're working with scary deep
   nested code.
 - Handle having a faked zilla passed down to us instead of a real zilla (
   ie: when another emulate::phase instance is triggering code triggering
   emulate phase )
 - Prereq collector now has a plugins() method that returns an empty array
 - Can now actually bootstrap if deps are updated.

 - build requires : Module::Build 0.3601 -> 0.4002
 - configure requires : Module::Build 0.3601 -> 0.4002
 - develop recommends : Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite
   0.01009803 -> v1.3.0
 - develop suggests : Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite
   v1.2.0 -> v1.4.2
 - test requires : Test::More 0.96 -> 0.98

 - Code has been run through perltidy.

0.01025801 2012-01-04T02:01:25Z
 - rt#73546 Reported by MITHALDU/Christian Walde with initial patch by
   APOCAL. Thanks.

 - requires : strict
 - requires : warnings
 - requires : perl 5.6.0

 - build_requires : English

 - Declares AUTHORITY in all namespaces.
 - VERSION declaration now not in BEGIN

 - Migrate to Git Versions
 - Update copyright years/notice formatting.
 - Author/Release tests now in xt/
 - Git repository metadata now all https://

 - Expect CPAN::Meta::Requirements instead of Version::Requirements
 - Updated: compile tests.

0.01025800 2011-07-13T02:16:46Z
 - The warning diagnostic call that triggers when plugins call
   '_share_dir_map' from register_plugins  has been special-cased with a
   white-list so that no errors are produced for the MakeMaker plugin and
   everything else will Carp fatally. Hopefully this doesn't prove a
   problem for anyone.

 - Updated copyright notice.
 - METAData updated for GitHub

0.01016513 2011-04-13T15:09:11Z
 - Maintenance only release.

 - Move from @KENTNL to @Author::KENTNL

 - Move to @Author::KENTNL
 - Ship perltidyrc
 - Rework Changes for CPAN::Changes.

 - Drop portability tests
 - Add CPAN::Changes tests

0.01003312 2010-12-05T14:48:13Z
 - Permit MakeMaker to call zilla->_share_dir_map on our shadow-zilla
   during pre-req collection. It should preferably be avoided, but this is
   needed for now to make it work. ( Reported by Apocalypse on IRC ).

0.01000515 2010-11-08T17:06:39Z
 - Depend on newer Test::Simple because subtest() can work wrong without
 - Depend on newer Util::Test::KENTNL

0.01000101 2010-11-04T03:15:07Z
 - Added shadow_zilla and ->find_files to prereqcollector so that
   AutoPrereq works.

0.01000100 2010-11-04T02:33:20Z
 - Added get_prereqs to access prereq data and regenerate it whenever you
   need to.

0.01000015 2010-11-03T17:57:41Z
 - First version.