Release history for File-Tempdir-ForPackage

1.000001 2014-08-15T22:56:28Z
 [00 Trivial]
 - no code changes
 - whitespace reduced.

 - Dependencies changed since 1.000000, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - develop: ↑1 (suggests: ↑1)

 - Improve source side POD to reduce build side whitespace.

1.000000 2014-08-14T08:50:45Z
 [00 Major]
 - Changes that will affect hand operated downstreams.

 [01 Version Scheme]
 - Migrated to x.yyyzzz from x.y.z
 - This is the primary reason for the 1.x on the box.

 [02 Tooling]
 - Moved to ExtUtils::MakeMaker
 - "Latest" deps for toolchain parts are now only "recommended"

 [03 Cleanup functions nuked from orbit]
 - The persist function is now handled on a tempdir basis by directly using File::Temp tricks.
 - This means that any tempdir that is to be freed will be freed as soon as it is no longer referenced
 - so ->_clear_dir will wipe it
 - and program termination should wipe it.
 - so cleanse and DESTROY are no longer needed

 - Dependencies changed since 0.1.1, see misc/*.deps* for details
 - build: -1
 - configure: +1 -1 (recommends: +1)
 - develop: +49 -1 (recommends: -1, suggests: +1 ↑1)
 - runtime: +2 ↓1 -2
 - test: +2 ↓1 -1 (recommends: +3)

0.1.1 2012-07-26T14:43:40Z
 - Full documentation of all directly defined properties.

0.1.0 2012-07-26T12:58:43Z
 - First version.