Release history for MetaPOD-Spec

0.3.5 2013-11-24T10:49:49Z
 [00 Fork]
 - MetaPOD::Spec seperates from MetaPOD at this version.
 - As does MetaPOD::JSON

 - Dependencies changed, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for details
 - develop: ↑1
 - runtime: -9
 - test: -5

0.3.0 2013-11-23T06:39:27Z
 [00 FORK]
 - MetaPOD::Format::JSON is now shipped seperately.
 - This is to trend towards making defining the Spec and the Implementation

 - Upgrade Module::Build
 - Upgrade Test::More
 - JSON specific things dropped
 - Try::Tiny no longer a core dep
 - use Test::Requires
 - Perl Minimum lowered.

 - Dependencies changed, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for details
 - build: ↑1
 - configure: ↑1
 - develop: +44 ↑1 -3
 - runtime: ↓1 -2
 - test: +1 ↑1 -3

 - Changes file now simplified.

 - use newish fallback_build_requires in Build.PL

 - use Test::Compile::PerFile
 - ReportVersions::Tiny updated not to report Develop Deps

0.2.4 2013-09-26T06:34:05Z
 [00 Minor]
 - Bump to provide regenerated Test::Compile not known-broken on win32

 - Dependencies changed, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for details
 - test: +1

0.2.3 2013-08-31T03:01:20Z
 - Bump to excise old Test::Compile test.

 - Dependencies changed, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for details
 - develop: +1 ↑1
 - test: +2 -2

0.2.2 2013-08-01T19:06:05Z
 - Needs Throwable::Error, Try::Tiny and Capture::Tiny
 - Needs newer Module::Build

 - Dependencies changed, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for details
 - build: ↑1
 - configure: ↑1
 - develop: ↑1
 - runtime: +2
 - test: +2 -2

 - Internals now decomponentized and implemented as roles, which leads to
   better class composition overall.

0.2.1 2013-06-07T15:41:59Z
 - No noteworthy user-visible changes in this release.
 - Restructuring the reference JSON implementation to be easier to extend
   and stretch to new versions.

0.2.0 2013-06-07T12:49:29Z
 [!Noteworthy Changes]
 - Adds MetaPOD::JSON v1.1 SPEC and Support
 - Adds 'interface' tag.

0.1.3 2013-06-02T08:27:59Z
 - Add "What can we do for you" section.
 - Add an image of example usage.

0.1.2 2013-06-02T07:12:28Z
 [Bug Fix]
 - Update Moo dep to 1.000008 to solve bug caused by builder + 1.000007 Moo

 - Dependencies changed, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for details
 - runtime: ↑1

0.1.1 2013-05-31T16:02:34Z
 - Use Path::Iterator::Rule

 - Dependencies changed, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for details
 - test: +1

 - Improve surface docs on MetaPOD::Assembler
 - Various spelling mistakes

 - Automatic self-validation test

0.1.0 2013-05-31T11:24:23Z
 - First version.