Release history for Module-Data
0.012 2013-11-25T08:27:23Z
- Don't try to construct a path if underlying mechanisms returned no path.
0.011 2013-11-25T02:13:53Z
- Require newer Path::ScanINC
- Dependencies changed, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for details
- develop: ↑1
- runtime: ↑1
- Changelog retroactively tidied.
0.010 2013-11-21T12:25:03Z
[00 Minor]
- Internals reimplemented in Path::Tiny
- Trial release to give end users a bit of warning, because Path::Class
objects were previously emitted.
- Requires Path::Tiny
- No longer requires Path::Class
- Dependencies changed, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for details
- runtime: +1 -1
- test: -1
0.007 2013-11-20T13:09:23Z
[00 BugFix]
- Prevent test failure with new Path::ScanINC
- require newer Module::Build
- require newer Test::More
- Dependencies changed, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for details
- build: ↑1
- configure: ↑1
- develop: +51 -3
- test: ↑1 -2
- Add README.mkdn
- Update ©
- use UTF∞8
- Bugtracker to GH Issues
- Use test_requires
- use Test::Compile::PerFile
- Update ReportVersions::Tiny
- Update CPAN::Changes
- Update Test::Kwalitee
0.006 2012-04-13T04:02:46Z
- Replace call to Data::Dump::pp with a hand-written simple dumper as pp
is for some bizzare reason entering recursion.
0.005 2012-04-11T20:33:42Z
- Update of the test code to not fail prematurely under Test::Builder2
- Refactored Whitelisting logic into its own t/tlib/ module 'Whitelist'
- Updated 02 & 03 to whitelist modules loaded by Test::Builder2
0.004 2012-04-11T06:01:11Z
- Path::ScanINC is now 0.002 minimum
- Dependencies changed, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for details
- runtime: ↑1
0.003 2012-04-10T09:11:18Z
- Test requires: Carp
- Dependencies changed, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for details
- test: +1
- Improved 03_fake_system.t reporting to reveal why win32 is requring()
0.002 2012-04-09T02:01:46Z
- uses Module::Metadata
- uses Path::ScanINC
- uses Path::Class
- Dependencies changed, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for details
- runtime: +2 -1
- test: +2
- Rework module discovery to be optimistic, check %INC if its there
already, and if it is, report where it was found, otherwise, ask
Path::ScanINC to tell us where it is WITHOUT loading it. This will
hopefully be usefull in many cases allowing us to detect module
availability without needing the compile/memory overheads of actually
loading said modules
- Rework ->version call to be optimistic, ask PACKAGE->VERSION for version
if the package appears to be loaded, otherwise, fall back on
Path::ScanINC to find the file, and Module::Metadata to extract the
version out of it. The hope is that will eliminate the need to load the
whole module permenantly into memory *just* to discern what version it
0.001 2012-03-23T15:37:57Z
- First version.