Release history for MooseX-Attribute-ValidateWithException

0.2.1 2012-03-17T04:49:40Z
 - Minor maintenance release

 - develop recommends : Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite
   0.01009803 -> v1.3.0
 - develop suggests : Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL
   v1.0.0 -> v1.3.0

 - runtime requires : strict
 - runtime requires : warnings
 - runtime requires : perl

 - test requires : English

 - Version declaration moved out of BEGIN
 - All namespaces declare $AUTHORITY

 - Update LICENSE ( Year, Indent, Address )
 - Move author/release tests to xt/
 - set x_authority

0.2.0 2011-07-26T00:18:24Z
 - Fix compatibility with Moose 2.020???. This hopefully fixes rt#60461 ( ), thanks ANDK for

 - Moose 2.0200 is the minimum Moose version now.

 - Bumping minor version due to dependency changes being not reverse

0.1.1 2011-06-18T02:24:30Z
 - Now actually propagates exceptions thrown from inlined attributes.

0.1.0 2011-06-18T00:27:59Z
 - First version.