Revision history for MooseX-AttributeIndexes

1.0.2 2011-10-30T19:28:41Z
 - Maintenance Release

 - new: runtime requires perl 5.10.0
 - new: runtime requires strict
 - new: runtime requires warnings
 - removed: test requires English
 - updated: develop suggests @Author::KENTNL 1.1.0

 - $VERSION set outside begin
 - $AUTHORITY now defined
 - code tidied

 - Update License ( Indent, Address )
 - Move author/release tests to xt/
 - Repository urls moved to https://
 - added x_authority

1.0.1 2011-04-04T07:40:17Z
 - Rework code to to work properly with role attributes. ( Thanks doy /
   Jesse Luehrs )

 - Rework Changelog for CPAN::Changes 1:1 compatibility.
 - Move from @KENTNL to @Author::KENTNL

1.0.0 2011-01-23T04:01:35Z
 - Fixed MOP deprecation warning with CMOP 0.95 ( Thanks Gerhard Gossen )
 - Stop using deprecated get_method_map.

 - Migrate to new MetaRole API.

 - Migrate to version scheme.
 - Update toolchain.
 - Ship dist.ini
 - CompileTests

0.01001007 2009-08-31T19:52:09Z
 - Documented that feature.
 - Added support for per-attribute callback processors

0.01000613 2009-08-28T01:55:48Z
 - Ramped up deps to hopefully solve weird Mx::Types Carp::Clan failure.

0.01000404 2009-08-25T16:18:59Z
 - Depend Resolution Fixup
 - See-Also doc,
 - Perltidy

0.01000300 2009-08-24T12:06:14Z
 - First version.