Revision history for MooseX-Has-Sugar

0.05070422 2013-11-20T08:32:12Z
 [00 Maint release]

 [Dependencies::Added / develop requires]
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::KENTNL::MinimumPerl
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Authority 1.006
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoPrereqs
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckExtraTests
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ConfirmRelease
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::EOLTests
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::Check
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::Commit
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::CommitBuild
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::GatherDir
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::NextVersion
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::Tag
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GithubMeta
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::License
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Manifest
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ManifestSkip
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaConfig
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaData::BuiltWith
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaJSON
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides::Package 1.14000001
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaTests
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaYAML
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ModuleBuild
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::NextRelease
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PkgVersion
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodCoverageTests
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodSyntaxTests
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodWeaver
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs::MatchInstalled
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PruneCruft
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeAnyFromPod
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeFromPod
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReportVersions::Tiny
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::CPAN::Changes
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Compile::PerFile
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Kwalitee
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::MinimumVersion
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Perl::Critic
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TestRelease
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Twitter
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::UploadToCPAN
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL 2.002001
 - Pod::Coverage::TrustPod
 - Test::CPAN::Changes 0.19
 - Test::CPAN::Meta
 - Test::Kwalitee 1.12
 - Test::Pod 1.41
 - Test::Pod::Coverage 1.08
 - version 0.9901

 [Dependencies::Added / develop suggests]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite v1.3.0

 [Dependencies::Added / test requires]
 - lib

 [Dependencies::Changed / build requires]
 - Module::Build 0.4002 → 0.4202

 [Dependencies::Changed / configure requires]
 - Module::Build 0.4002 → 0.4202

 [Dependencies::Changed / test requires]
 - Test::More 0.98 → 1.001002

 [Dependencies::Removed / develop recommends]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite v1.3.0

 [Dependencies::Removed / develop requires]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite

 [Dependencies::Removed / develop suggests]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.4.3

 [Dependencies::Removed / test requires]
 - File::Find
 - File::Temp

 - Update © Year
 - Specify doc encoding.

 - Bug tracker to github issues

 - Use test_requires with new MB

 - Switch to Test::Compile::PerFile
 - Update ReportVersions::Tiny test
 - Update CPAN::Changes test
 - Update Kwalitee test

0.05070421 2012-08-03T10:25:23Z
 - Fixed use of a Test::Builder method that is going away. Thanks to
   Schwern for reporting and providing the patch.

 [Dependencies::Changed / build requires]
 - Module::Build 0.3601 → 0.4002

 [Dependencies::Changed / configure requires]
 - Module::Build 0.3601 → 0.4002

 [Dependencies::Changed / develop recommends]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite 0.01009803 → v1.3.0

 [Dependencies::Changed / develop suggests]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.2.0 → v1.4.3

 [Dependencies::Changed / test requires]
 - Test::More 0.88 → 0.98

 - Thinking of adding Moo support of some kind, but Moo is notedly
   different. Esp: lazy/lazy_build.
 - I considered making a Moo-style-for-Moose version, but then considered
   that implementing 'lazy' would have to know what the attribute was
   called to set the respective Moose builder value, so that is Too Hard.
 - Please, if you're reading this and have suggestions/feedback, feel free
   to hit me up on IRC =).

0.05070420 2012-02-03T03:33:11Z
 - Maintenance/Packaging release.

 [Dependencies::Added / runtime requires]
 - perl 5.006
 - strict
 - warnings

 [Dependencies::Changed / develop suggests]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.0.0 → v1.2.0

 [Dependencies::Removed / test requires]
 - English

 - All namespaces provide $AUTHORITY
 - $VERSION moved to outside of BEGIN

 - Update LICENSE ( Year, Address, Indentation )
 - Extra Tests moved to xt/
 - Git URI's moved to https://
 - Export x_authority
 - Git based versions instead of auto incrementing relative versions.

0.05070419 2011-04-07T02:03:19Z
 - Maintainence only release. No external changes.

 [Dependencies::Added / develop recommends]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite 0.01009803

 [Dependencies::Added / develop requires]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite

 [Dependencies::Added / develop suggests]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.0.0

 [Dependencies::Removed / develop recommends]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::KENTNL::Lite 0.01009803

 [Dependencies::Removed / develop requires]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::KENTNL::Lite

 [Dependencies::Removed / develop suggests]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::KENTNL 0.01017119

 - Moved to @Author::KENTNL
 - update gitignore and perlcritic rules.
 - ship perltidyrc
 - Normalize Changes.

 - Add CPAN::Changes test
 - Remove portability test

0.05055616 2010-11-13T23:43:43Z
 - Replaced Test::Exceptions with Test::Fatal
 - Removed FindBin in tests.
 - Core Tests now 5% faster!.

 [Dependencies::Added / develop recommends]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::KENTNL::Lite 0.01009803

 [Dependencies::Added / develop requires]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::KENTNL::Lite

 [Dependencies::Added / develop suggests]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::KENTNL 0.01017119

 [Dependencies::Added / test requires]
 - Test::Fatal

 [Dependencies::Removed / test requires]
 - FindBin
 - Test::Exception

0.05046611 2010-08-16T18:30:39Z
 - Improved docs and tests for Saccharin. ( Alexandr Ciornii / chorny )
 - Eradicated excess in xt/.

 [Dependencies::Added / test requires]
 - English
 - MooseX::Types::Moose

0.05044303 2010-07-24T10:03:50Z
 - Migrate to @KENTNL Dzil.
 - Rework t/ dirs.
 - Drop depend on MX::Types in tests.
 - Drop accidental dep on Test::Kwalitee

0.0405 2009-12-04T09:20:43Z
 - Toolkit upgrade & rebuild.
 - Testsuite cleanup.
 - Documentation overhaul with ::Weaver
 - Dropped :allattrs from MXHS as its identical to :default
 - Tests drop Find::Lib;

0.0404 2009-07-06T03:34:10Z
 - Added Saccharin, experimental sugars.

0.0403 2009-06-30T13:56:07Z
 - Using Dist::Zilla's handy author-tests feature
 - Revised Docmentation a little to be more correct

0.0402 2009-06-29T19:43:05Z
 - Fixed missing META.yml in Dzil build

0.0401 2009-06-29T18:16:51Z
 - Fixed Dep on Moose Test.
 - Moved to Dist::Zilla.
 - Loads of edits for change

0.0400 2009-06-28T00:53:52Z
 - Improved Test cases
 - Improved meta dependency advertising
 - added 'bare' keyword.

0.0300 2009-05-29T16:22:57Z
 - export group :is/-is moved to ::Minimal.
 - MX::H::S::Minimal exports by default
 - MX::H::Sugar exports all list-flavours by default.
 - MX::H::Sugar croaks if group :is is requested.
 - Test/Documentation updated.

0.0200 2009-05-16T21:38:31Z
 - Fixed META.yml
 - Added weak_ref, coerce and auto_deref to -attrs
 - Added collision detection to complain if you use it wrong.
 - Removed Constant Folding based subs, too pesky at present.
 - Added A bunch of tests.

0.0100 2009-05-15T09:18:30Z
 - First version.