Release history for Path-IsDev

1.000001 2013-11-21T11:49:20Z
 [00 Maintenance]

 [Dependencies::Added / develop requires]
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::KENTNL::MinimumPerl
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Authority 1.006
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoPrereqs
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckExtraTests
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ConfirmRelease
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::EOLTests
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::Check
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::Commit
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::CommitBuild
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::GatherDir
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::NextVersion
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::Tag
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GithubMeta
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::License
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Manifest
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ManifestSkip
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaConfig
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaData::BuiltWith
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaJSON
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides::Package 1.14000001
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaTests
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaYAML
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ModuleBuild
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::NextRelease
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PkgVersion
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodCoverageTests
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodSyntaxTests
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodWeaver
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs::MatchInstalled
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PruneCruft
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeAnyFromPod
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeFromPod
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReportVersions::Tiny
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::CPAN::Changes
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Compile::PerFile
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Kwalitee
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::MinimumVersion
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Perl::Critic
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TestRelease
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Twitter
 - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::UploadToCPAN

 [Dependencies::Changed / build requires]
 - Module::Build 0.4007 → 0.4202

 [Dependencies::Changed / configure requires]
 - Module::Build 0.4007 → 0.4202

 [Dependencies::Changed / develop requires]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL 2.000000 → 2.002001

 [Dependencies::Changed / test requires]
 - Test::More 0.99 → 1.001002

 [Dependencies::Removed / test requires]
 - File::Spec
 - IO::Handle
 - IPC::Open3

 - README.mkdn → MetaCPAN
 - Encoding → UTF-8

 - Use new fallback code in MB

 - Replace Test::Compile with Test::Compile::PerFile

1.000000 2013-10-18T09:55:20Z
 [00 Supermajor Changes - Breaking Everything]
 - This release comes with many significant changes that are likely to
   break any closely built dependencies.
 - External export interface contains no visible changes, but underyling
   plumbing is under heavy construction.

 [01 Role Refactory]
 - Any existing code that relied on previous roles or base classes will be
   BROKEN by this release.
 - Roles again reimplemented and split to be more horizonal instead of
   vertically integrated.
 - This means all Heuristics need to provide a ->matches() or ->excludes()
   method now, and manually call their composite roles, and manually set
   $result_object->result(1) where relevant.

 [02 Base class removal]
 - Base classes that we're deprecated in 0.6.0 are gone now.

 [03 Version Schema Change]
 - Version scheme is now Y.nnnnnn . If this is a problem for you, this
   means you're a downstream who doesn't normalise versions yet. Please
   learn to normalise, perl upstream break your assumptions.
 - Versions will retain semantic difference, just there more "perl
   internals" friendly.

 [04 New Heuristic Match Types]
 - Now a Matcher that matches on full paths

 [05 New Negative Heuristics]
 - ::HomeDir - Excludes all the paths returned by File::HomeDir
 - ::PerlINC - Excludes all the paths in

 [06 Updated Heuristic Sets]
 - ::Basic now includes ::HomeDir and ::PerlINC exclusions

 [07 Internals]
 - Requirement for matches to debug themselves greatly reduced.
 - Matches now only need to report context feedback via the result object
 - The result object intelligently executes relevant debugging intel

 [Dependencies::Added / runtime requires]
 - File::HomeDir

 [Dependencies::Changed / develop requires]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.9.0 → 2.000000
 - Test::Kwalitee 1.08 → 1.12

 [Dependencies::Changed / runtime requires]
 - perl v5.10.0 → 5.006

 [Dependencies::Changed / test requires]
 - Test::More 0.98 → 0.99

0.6.0 2013-10-05T17:56:06Z
 [00 Major Changes - Role Apocalypse]
 - All internals that could be rewritten to invoke roles instead of
   inheritance, have been done so.
 - Base classes for existing things still exist, and should still work,
   however, they're on borrowed time.

 [Dependencies::Added / runtime requires]
 - Role::Tiny
 - Role::Tiny::With

 [Dependencies::Removed / runtime requires]
 - parent

0.5.0 2013-10-05T15:00:12Z
 [00 Major Changes - Result Object]
 - Internals now re-written slightly to pass around a result object that
   communicates state.
 - Everywhere $path was previously used, $result_object->path is now used
 - $result_object->path guaranteed to exist and be a ref of some kind.
 - $result_object->path automatically upgraded to Path::Tiny if provided as
   a string
 - ->matches() and ->excludes() can now record results of heuristics by
   invoking $result_object->add_reason()
 - Path::IsDev::Object->_matches($path) now exists and returns a Result
   Object for $path
 - Dumping result object will give you as much info as turning debugging on

0.4.0 2013-09-27T17:48:00Z
 [00 Major Changes - Negative Heuristics]
 - Now has a system to indicate negative heuristics, to mark  given
   directories as "not dev", which cause other postive heuristics to be
 - One basic negative heuristic added, 'IsDev::IgnoreFile'
 - Basic Negative heuristic comes standard with the basic set.

 [Dependencies::Added / develop requires]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.9.0

 [Dependencies::Added / develop suggests]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite v1.3.0

 [Dependencies::Removed / develop recommends]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite v1.3.0

 [Dependencies::Removed / develop requires]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite

 [Dependencies::Removed / develop suggests]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.8.3

0.3.3 2013-09-26T07:09:14Z
 - Use a Non-Win32-failing compile test

 [Dependencies::Added / test requires]
 - File::Spec

0.3.2 2013-09-18T17:45:37Z
 - Require a version of Class::Tiny that doesn't exhibit the "used only
   once" warning

 [Dependencies::Changed / runtime requires]
 - Class::Tiny 0.005 → 0.010

0.3.1 2013-09-18T02:21:11Z
 - Require a Minimum Class::Tiny that supports lazy attrs

 [Dependencies::Changed / runtime requires]
 - Class::Tiny 0 → 0.005

0.3.0 2013-09-16T08:27:21Z
 - Now uses Class::Tiny instead of Moo internally.
 - New Heuristic VCS::Git and is part of the Basic set. ( Because I found a
   few projects where I didn't have any toolkit specific files, but I
   wanted to find the root anyway, and I assumed my own code would just
   work, but it wouldn't ... )

 [Dependencies::Added / develop requires]
 - Test::Kwalitee 1.08

 [Dependencies::Added / runtime requires]
 - Class::Tiny

 [Dependencies::Added / test requires]
 - IO::Handle
 - IPC::Open3

 [Dependencies::Changed / build requires]
 - Module::Build 0.4005 → 0.4007

 [Dependencies::Changed / configure requires]
 - Module::Build 0.4005 → 0.4007

 [Dependencies::Changed / develop suggests]
 - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL v1.7.4 → v1.8.3

 [Dependencies::Removed / runtime requires]
 - Moo 1.000008

 [Dependencies::Removed / test requires]
 - File::Find

0.2.3 2013-07-14T03:02:16Z
 - Need more recent Moo for `builder => sub {}`

 [Dependencies::Changed / runtime requires]
 - `Moo 0` → `1.000008`

 - Better coverage of `::Object`

0.2.2 2013-07-07T15:53:07Z
 - Suppress redefine warning caused by localising a sub before sourcing the
   module that provides it.

0.2.1 2013-07-07T15:27:19Z
 - Debug messages now include some indicator suggesting which unique object
   they're comming from.
 - invoking `BUILD` with debugging on prints basic introspected data.

0.2.0 2013-07-07T13:52:33Z
 [00 Major Changes]
 - Guts of exporter refactored to a `Moo` class.

 [Dependencies::Added / runtime requires]
 - `Moo`

0.1.1 2013-07-06T15:36:30Z
 - `debug()` now appends `\n` automatically.

0.1.0 2013-07-06T12:49:36Z
 - First version.