Revision history for PortageXS

0.2.11 2013-07-22T15:23:47Z
  - Package toolkit migrated to Dist::Zilla
  - b.g.o #437414 Now fixed in the code.
  - Maintainer/Release of codebase taken up by KENTNL (
  - Codebase published via CPAN

 - Add PortageXS::Version (taken from CPANPLUS::Dist::Gentoo)

 - Fixed bug b.g.o #265102

 - Fixed bugs that occured when using new profiles (2008.0+)
 - Implemented getPortageMakeParam()
 - getArch() is now a wrapper for getPortageMakeParam() only

 - Fixed bug b.g.o #216484 - Affected function: getArch()

 - Optional parameter repo: getAvailableEbuilds()
 - New functions: searchPackageByHerd(), searchPackageByMaintainer()
 - Fixed bug b.g.o #178745 - Affected function: getParamFromFile()

 - fileBelongsToPackage(): Do not die if CONTENTS file is missing. (Reported by Michael Cummings <>)
 - Speedup functions getFilesOfInstalledPackage(), fileBelongsToPackage()
 - Source cleanups
 - New functions: disableColors(), getPackagesFromWorld(), recordPackageInWorld(), removePackageFromWorld()
 - formatUseflags(): Also handle suffixes (% and *)
 - added .cache dir to EXCLUDE_DIRS for use with paludis
 - removed virtual dir from EXCLUDE_DIRS - we actually want virtuals in
 - getPackagesFromCategory():
  - Use PORTDIR by default
  - New optional parameter to set the repository to use
  - Check for dirs before trying to access them
 - searchPackage(): Works - Feel free to use it now.
 - Fixed bug #175175 - getArch() was not able to resolve the profile path if make.profile was an absolute path
 - Apply fixes from bug #175175 to getProfilePath(); refactored getArch() and getUsemasksFromProfile()
 - Make test getPortageXScategorylist() more robust

 - New functions: getEbuildName(), getUsedescs(), getCategories(), formatUseflags() (from demerge 0.032), sortUseflags(), getUsemasksFromProfile(), getProfilePath(), resetCaches()
 - Fixed some function descriptions
 - Moved /etc/portagexs to /etc/pxs for convenience
 - When initializing also initialise colors and apply NOCOLOR variable setting from make.conf to comply with portage (See `man make.conf` for further information); changes in UI::Console
 - Implemented caching for getUsedescs(), getHomedir(), getUsemasksFromProfile()
 - getUsedesc() is only a wrapper for getUsedescs() now
 - getUsedescs() now accepts an optional parameter that stores 'category/package' when looking up local usedescs
 - searchPackage() is silent now (no more direct output) and supports two search modes
 - Make formatUseflags() correctly format masked useflags
 - More / better examples
 - More tests

 - Made full category/package-version string mandatory for function getUseSettingsOfInstalledPackage() which otherwise causes odd behaviour in apps such as demerge

 - New deps: IO::Socket::SSL, Sys::Syslog
 - New configuration file for the server: /etc/portagexs/portagexsd.conf
 - Initscript for the server
 - Runtime optimizations
 - Basic server and client implemented

 - New functions: searchPackage(), getReponame(), resolveMirror(), getUsedesc()
 - New example:,,
 - New module:
 - Syntax stuff
 - Added tests for new functions (left out: searchPackage because it will change in the future; do not use it!)

 - fix functions: printColored, print_ok, print_err, print_info
 - Do not fail if IUSE/USE-files are missing in getUseSettingsOfInstalledPackage()

 - getPackagesFromCategory() was returning a list of categories when given category was empty
 - handle multiple overlays
 - getArch() returns ARCH set in system-profile

 - Clean up getEbuildVersion regexp
 - added tests for getEbuildVersion
 - fixed test for getPortageXScategorylist

 - New functions: getPortdirOverlay, getHomedir

 - Initial unofficial release (hey.. i could have just touched the 'Changes' file ;))