Revision history for Spark-Form
0.2103 2011-06-12T22:29:43Z
- A Trial release to show that this project is still alive.
- Removed Field::Role::Validateable. Its been warning for 2 years now,
hopefully thats enough.
- Added Form::Role::ErrorStore and Form::Role::Validity to commonise some
shared code.
- Added Form::Types for various type constraints.
- Moved to Moose 0.90 Attribute Helpers
- Refactored some of the error handling code.
- Refactored some of the form methods to be handlers.
- +MX::Types
- Refactored some of the validity code out.
- Refactored to use Module::Pluggable::Object instead of BUILD/eval
- Overhauled the dist.ini to be more 2011 and less 2009.
0.2102 2009-09-13T21:50:33Z
- Tweaked Some wacky POD
- Added a missing dep on MX::LazyRequire
- Reindent Changelog
0.2101 2009-09-13T14:20:31Z
- Bumping because of a minimum version number hit. Argh with the random
- NB: Changelog retroactively edited to make sense.
0.2100 2009-09-13T13:51:46Z
- Merged in SparkX::Form::BasicFields
- Merged in SparkX::Form::BasicPrinters
- Merged in SparkX::Form::BasicValidators
- Replaced fields_[ah] with 'fields' accessor and get{,_at} methods
- Migrated build system to Dist::Zilla, so version numbers work now.
- Form now as multiple types of clone support.
- Form now has composition support
0.2 2009-07-21T00:00:00Z
- Added testing deps.
- Auto-requires printer modules for you (and fixes related bug)
0.1 2009-05-31T00:00:00Z
- First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
- Module currently deals purely with validation from user input.