Release history for Test-File-ShareDir

1.000000 2014-01-30T15:23:48Z
 [00 Tooling and Version replacement]
 - Switched to EUMM to accelerate clean-install time.
 - Build-time requirements are now softened
 - Readvertise higher requirements as recommendations
 - version schema moved from x.y.z to x.YYYzzz and is the primary reason
   for incrementing the major

 - Dependencies changed since 0.4.1, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for
 - build: -1
 - configure: +2 -1
 - develop: +7 ↑1 -9
 - test: +8 ↓1

0.4.1 2013-11-21T06:51:24Z
 [00 Trivial Doc Fix]
 - Escaping of code containing > was done wrong.

0.4.0 2013-11-21T06:38:44Z
 [00 Major Changes]
 - New Modules/Interfaces to make life easier for people who only need one
   of (Dist|Module) shares.

 - use Class::Tiny
 - use new MB and TestMore

 - Dependencies changed since 0.3.3, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for
 - build: ↑1
 - configure: ↑1
 - develop: +46 -3
 - runtime: +1
 - test: +1 ↑1 -1

 - Encoding specified
 - MetaPOD annotations added

 - use new MB syntax for fallback

 - use Test::Compile::PerFile
 - Regenerate ReportVersions::Tiny to not report develop deps.
 - Regenerate CPAN::Changes test
 - Regenerate Kwalitee test

0.3.3 2013-04-03T11:32:08Z
 [!Noteable Changes]
 - Replace Path::Class with Path::Tiny

 - use Path::Tiny
 - stop using Path::Class::Dir

 - Dependencies changed since 0.3.2, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for
 - runtime: +1 -1

0.3.2 2013-04-03T07:03:58Z
 - Maintenance release for MB 0.4004

 - 5.006 is now minimum
 - upgrade MB and TM

 - Dependencies changed since 0.3.1, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for
 - build: ↑1
 - configure: ↑1
 - develop: +5 ↑2
 - runtime: +1
 - test: ↑1

 - Reindent License
 - Update Copyright Year
 - Update Copyright address
 - Add README.mkdn

 - Bug tracker moved to github issues

 - Build.PL updated for 0.4004 / test_requires

 - This source version of 0.3.1 lost and reconstructed

0.3.1 2011-10-28T20:58:28Z
 - Absolute paths were treated incorrectly as relative ones. Now using
   Path::Class properly which should fix this problem. Thanks to RJBS for
   diagnosing and reporting this problem.

 - test removed: English

 - Dependencies changed since 0.3.0, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for
 - runtime: +2
 - test: -1

 - Updated License ( Indentation, Address )
 - Extra tests moved to xt/

0.3.0 2011-05-05T03:29:45Z
 - For testing, Now requires Cwd as provided by File-Spec / PathTools.

 - Dependencies changed since 0.2.0, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for
 - test: +1

 - Improved primary documentation to explain import flags

 - In the absense of passing the 'root' parameter, it will default to the
   current work directory. Considering that most of the time, the Cwd is
   the project root directory when running tests, this constitutes a
   reasonably sane default.

 - Now uses Test::CPAN::Changes plugin instead of CPANChangesTests plugin
 - Added 03_cwd.t which tests how the module behaves when -root is

0.2.0 2011-04-07T21:10:54Z
 - Rereleased as 0.2.0 to signify backwards incompatible changes introduced
   in 0.1.2

0.1.2 2011-04-07T21:08:05Z
 - Adds support for dist/package sharedirs. See synopsis for syntax.

 - Remove need for @Filter.
 - Rework Changes for CPAN::Changes.

 - Added CPAN::Changes tests.
 - 01 Basics files moved to 01_files and 01 Basic is reformatted to match.
 - Added 02_distdir and 02_files to test for dist feature.

0.1.1 2011-03-10T16:35:13Z
 - Overhauled the internals to make it easier to work on.
 - Refactored code into an object.
 - No externally visible changes.
 - Slightly more strict, but just to stop you doing stupid things.
 - Module Loading is now slightly lazier.

 - Dependencies changed since 0.1.0, see Changes.deps{,.all,.dev} for
 - runtime: +1 -1

0.1.0 2011-02-21T12:42:47Z
 - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
 - Presently only supports module share-dirs.