Revision history for Perl extension Function-Return

0.09 2021-03-16T13:35:42Z
    - improve Function::Return#Return attribute #18

0.08 2021-03-15T05:39:29Z
    - improve wrap_sub #17
    - [IMCOMPATIBLE CHANGE] use Sub::Meta #15
    - [BUGFIX] Fix attributes #14, #16

0.07 2019-06-19T13:15:07Z
    - [BUGFIX] Fix check_sub #11
    - Support `no_check` option globally #12

0.06 2019-06-16T22:11:25Z
    - Support lazy load #7 #6
    - [BUGFIX] Fix no_check option #8
    - [IMCOMPATIBLE CHANGE] remove name option #9
    - add attributes tests #10

0.05 2019-02-18T01:06:31Z
    - Add import option `pkg` (bayashi) #5
    - Fix document

0.041 2019-02-11T13:11:00Z
    - Fix document

0.04 2019-02-11T12:59:23Z
    - unpublish some functions: `attr_re` and `register_return_info`.
    - improve test and document

0.031 2019-02-10T12:21:42Z
    - improve test and document

0.03 2018-10-28T00:19:05Z
    - Fix a bug where `Function::Parameters::info` does not work where defined by `method` (#2)
    - improve test and document

0.02 2018-08-29T21:58:05Z
    - update POD

0.01 2018-08-29T14:28:17Z

    - original version