=head1 NAME


=head1 FAQ

=head2 How to know the line number which exception occur

Trun on debug mode by using L<SPVM::Debug>. Line number which exception occur is printed to execption message.

  use SPVM::Debug;
  use SPVM::YourModule;

For example:
  0 division (int / int)
    from TestCase::exception_zero_divide_int() at /home/kimoto/labo/SPVM/t/lib/SPVM/TestCase.spvm line 26

=head2 Why SPVM don't support 32 bit integer Perl

In 32 bit integer Perl, 64 bit integer is not supported. This means that Perl can not express 64 bit integers on source code.

See the following code.

    my $value = 9223372036854775807;

In 32 bit integer Perl, 64bit integer value is converted to double automatically. The double value can't express long value accurately.

=head2 What means SPVM

SPVM means B<Static Perl Virtual Machine>.