package SPVM::Builder::Exe; use strict; use warnings; use Carp 'confess'; use Pod::Usage 'pod2usage'; use Config; use SPVM::Builder; use SPVM::Builder::CC; use SPVM::Builder::Util; use SPVM::Builder::Config; use File::Spec; use File::Find 'find'; use Getopt::Long 'GetOptions'; use ExtUtils::CBuilder; use File::Copy 'copy', 'move'; use File::Path 'mkpath'; use DynaLoader; use Scalar::Util 'weaken'; use File::Basename 'dirname', 'basename'; # Accessors sub builder { shift->{builder} } sub build_dir { shift->builder->build_dir } sub target_package_name { shift->{target_package_name} } sub output_file { shift->{output_file} } sub quiet { shift->{quiet} } sub module_dirs { shift->{module_dirs} } sub optimize { shift->{optimize} } sub extra_compiler_flags { shift->{extra_compiler_flags} } sub extra_linker_flags { shift->{extra_linker_flags} } sub force { shift->{force} } sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {@_}; # Include directries my $module_dirs = $self->{module_dirs}; unless (exists $self->{module_dirs}) { $self->{module_dirs} = []; } # Target package name my $target_package_name = $self->{target_package_name}; unless (defined $target_package_name) { confess "Package name not specified"; } # Excutable file name my $output_file = $self->{output_file}; unless (defined $output_file) { $output_file = $target_package_name; $output_file =~ s/::/__/g; $self->{output_file} = $output_file; } # Quiet output unless (exists $self->{quiet}) { $self->{quiet} = 0; } # Build directory my $build_dir = delete $self->{build_dir}; unless (defined $build_dir) { $build_dir = '.spvm_build'; } # New SPVM::Builder object my $builder = SPVM::Builder->new( build_dir => $build_dir, module_dirs => $module_dirs ); $self->{builder} = $builder; return bless $self, $class; } sub build_exe_file { my ($self) = @_; my $builder = $self->builder; # Target package name my $target_package_name = $self->{target_package_name}; # Excutable file name my $output_file = $self->{output_file}; # Build directory my $build_dir = $self->builder->build_dir; mkpath $build_dir; # Compile SPVM my $compile_success = $builder->compile_spvm($target_package_name, __FILE__, __LINE__); unless ($compile_success) { exit(255); } # Create precompile C sources $self->create_precompile_csources; # Compile precompile C sources $self->compile_precompile_csources; # Compile precompile C sources my ($native_object_files, $all_libs) = $self->compile_native_csources; # Create SPMV module C sources $self->create_spvm_module_csources; # Compile SPVM compiler and runtime C sources $self->compile_spvm_module_csources; # Compile SPVM compiler and runtime C sources $self->compile_spvm_compiler_and_runtime_csources; # Create bootstrap C source $self->create_bootstrap_csource; # Compile bootstrap C source $self->compile_bootstrap_csource; # Link and generate executable file $self->link($native_object_files, $all_libs); } sub create_precompile_csources { my ($self) = @_; my $builder = $self->builder; # Build directory my $build_dir = $self->builder->build_dir; mkpath $build_dir; # Build precompile packages my $builder_c_precompile = SPVM::Builder::CC->new( build_dir => $build_dir, category => 'precompile', builder => $builder, quiet => $self->quiet, force => $self->force, ); my $package_names = $builder->get_package_names; for my $package_name (@$package_names) { next if $package_name =~ /::anon/; my $precompile_method_names = $builder->get_method_names($package_name, 'precompile'); if (@$precompile_method_names) { my $src_dir = $self->builder->create_build_src_path; mkpath $src_dir; $builder_c_precompile->create_precompile_csource( $package_name, { src_dir => $src_dir, } ); } } } sub compile_precompile_csources { my ($self) = @_; my $builder = $self->builder; # Build directory my $build_dir = $self->builder->build_dir; mkpath $build_dir; # Build precompile packages my $builder_c_precompile = SPVM::Builder::CC->new( build_dir => $build_dir, category => 'precompile', builder => $builder, quiet => $self->quiet, optimize => $self->optimize, extra_compiler_flags => $self->extra_compiler_flags, force => $self->force, ); my $package_names = $builder->get_package_names; for my $package_name (@$package_names) { next if $package_name =~ /::anon/; my $precompile_method_names = $builder->get_method_names($package_name, 'precompile'); if (@$precompile_method_names) { my $src_dir = $self->builder->create_build_src_path; mkpath $src_dir; my $object_dir = $self->builder->create_build_object_path; mkpath $object_dir; $builder_c_precompile->compile( $package_name, { src_dir => $src_dir, object_dir => $object_dir, } ); } } } sub compile_native_csources { my ($self) = @_; my $builder = $self->builder; # Build directory my $build_dir = $self->builder->build_dir; mkpath $build_dir; # Build native packages my $builder_c_native = SPVM::Builder::CC->new( build_dir => $build_dir, category => 'native', builder => $builder, quiet => $self->quiet, optimize => $self->optimize, extra_compiler_flags => $self->extra_compiler_flags, force => $self->force, ); my $package_names = $builder->get_package_names; my $all_libs = []; my $all_object_files = []; for my $package_name (@$package_names) { my $native_method_names = $builder->get_method_names($package_name, 'native'); if (@$native_method_names) { my $native_module_file = $builder->get_module_file($package_name); my $native_dir = $native_module_file; my $bconf = $builder->get_config($package_name, 'native'); push @$all_libs, $bconf->get_libs; $native_dir =~ s/\.spvm$//; $native_dir .= 'native'; my $src_dir = SPVM::Builder::Util::remove_package_part_from_file($native_module_file, $package_name); my $object_dir = $self->builder->create_build_object_path; mkpath $object_dir; my $object_files = $builder_c_native->compile( $package_name, { src_dir => $src_dir, object_dir => $object_dir, } ); push @$all_object_files, @$object_files; } } return ($all_object_files, $all_libs); } sub create_spvm_module_csources { my ($self) = @_; my $builder = $self->builder; # Compiled package names my $package_names = $builder->get_package_names; for my $package_name (@$package_names) { # This source is UTF-8 binary my $module_source = $builder->get_module_source($package_name); my $loaded_module_file = $builder->get_loaded_module_file($package_name); my $build_dir = $self->builder->build_dir; my $build_src_dir = $self->builder->create_build_src_path; my $module_source_base = $package_name; $module_source_base =~ s|::|/|g; my $module_source_csource_file = "$build_src_dir/$module_source_base.modsrc.c"; my $do_create; if ($self->force) { $do_create = 1; } else { if (!-f $module_source_csource_file) { $do_create = 1; } else { my $loaded_module_file_mtime; if (defined $loaded_module_file) { $loaded_module_file_mtime = (stat($loaded_module_file))[9]; } else { $loaded_module_file_mtime = 0; } my $module_source_csource_file_mtime = (stat($module_source_csource_file))[9]; if ($loaded_module_file_mtime > $module_source_csource_file_mtime) { $do_create = 1; } } } if ($do_create) { my $module_source_c_hex = $module_source; # Escape to Hex C launguage string literal $module_source_c_hex =~ s/(.)/$_ = sprintf("\\x%02X", ord($1));$_/ges; # native package name my $package_cname = $package_name; $package_cname =~ s/::/__/g; my $get_module_source_csource = <<"EOS"; static const char* module_source = "$module_source_c_hex"; const char* SPMODSRC__${package_cname}__get_module_source() { return module_source; } EOS # Build source directory mkpath $build_src_dir; mkpath dirname $module_source_csource_file; open my $module_source_csource_fh, '>', $module_source_csource_file or die "Can't open file $module_source_csource_file:$!"; print $module_source_csource_fh $get_module_source_csource; } } } sub compile_spvm_module_csources { my ($self) = @_; my $builder = $self->builder; # Compiled package names my $package_names = $builder->get_package_names; # Config my $bconf = SPVM::Builder::Config->new_c99; # Optimize my $optimize = $self->optimize; if (defined $optimize) { $bconf->set_optimize($optimize); } # ExtUtils::CBuilder config my $config = $bconf->to_hash; # ExtUtils::CBuilder object my $cbuilder = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new(quiet => $self->quiet, config => $config); for my $package_name (@$package_names) { # Build source directory my $build_src_dir = $self->builder->create_build_src_path; mkpath $build_src_dir; my $package_name_rel_file = SPVM::Builder::Util::convert_package_name_to_rel_file($package_name); my $module_source_csource_file = "$build_src_dir/$package_name_rel_file.modsrc.c"; mkpath dirname $module_source_csource_file; my $build_object_dir = $self->builder->create_build_object_path; mkpath $build_object_dir; my $module_source_object_file = "$build_object_dir/$package_name_rel_file.modsrc.o"; mkpath dirname $module_source_object_file; my $do_compile; if ($self->force) { $do_compile = 1; } else { if (!-f $module_source_object_file) { $do_compile = 1; } else { my $module_source_csource_file_mtime = (stat($module_source_csource_file))[9]; my $module_source_object_file_mtime = (stat($module_source_object_file))[9]; if ($module_source_csource_file_mtime > $module_source_object_file_mtime) { $do_compile = 1; } } } if ($do_compile) { # Compile source file $cbuilder->compile( source => $module_source_csource_file, object_file => $module_source_object_file, include_dirs => $bconf->get_include_dirs, extra_compiler_flags => $self->extra_compiler_flags, force => $self->force, ); } } } sub create_bootstrap_csource { my ($self) = @_; my $target_package_name = $self->target_package_name; my $builder = $self->builder; # Compiled package names my $package_names = $builder->get_package_names; my $boot_csource = ''; $boot_csource .= <<'EOS'; #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <assert.h> #include "spvm_native.h" #include "spvm_api.h" #include "spvm_op.h" #include "spvm_compiler.h" #include "spvm_hash.h" #include "spvm_list.h" #include "spvm_package.h" #include "spvm_method.h" #include "spvm_basic_type.h" EOS $boot_csource .= "// module source get functions declaration\n"; for my $package_name (@$package_names) { my $package_cname = $package_name; $package_cname =~ s/::/__/g; $boot_csource .= <<"EOS"; const char* SPMODSRC__${package_cname}__get_module_source(); EOS } my $package_names_including_anon = $self->builder->get_package_names_including_anon; $boot_csource .= "// precompile functions declaration\n"; for my $package_name (@$package_names_including_anon) { my $precompile_method_names = $builder->get_method_names($package_name, 'precompile'); for my $method_name (@$precompile_method_names) { my $package_cname = $package_name; $package_cname =~ s/::/__/g; $boot_csource .= <<"EOS"; int32_t SPPRECOMPILE__${package_cname}__$method_name(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack); EOS } } $boot_csource .= "// native functions declaration\n"; for my $package_cname (@$package_names) { my $native_method_names = $builder->get_method_names($package_cname, 'native'); for my $method_name (@$native_method_names) { my $package_cname = $package_cname; $package_cname =~ s/::/__/g; $boot_csource .= <<"EOS"; int32_t SPNATIVE__${package_cname}__$method_name(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack); EOS } } $boot_csource .= <<'EOS'; int32_t main(int32_t argc, const char *argv[]) { EOS $boot_csource .= <<"EOS"; // Package name const char* package_name = "$target_package_name"; EOS $boot_csource .= <<'EOS'; // Create compiler SPVM_COMPILER* compiler = SPVM_COMPILER_new(); compiler->no_directry_module_search = 1; // Create use op for entry point package SPVM_OP* op_name_start = SPVM_OP_new_op_name(compiler, package_name, package_name, 0); SPVM_OP* op_type_start = SPVM_OP_build_basic_type(compiler, op_name_start); SPVM_OP* op_use_start = SPVM_OP_new_op(compiler, SPVM_OP_C_ID_USE, package_name, 0); SPVM_OP_build_use(compiler, op_use_start, op_type_start, NULL, 0); SPVM_LIST_push(compiler->op_use_stack, op_use_start); // Set module sources EOS for my $package_name (@$package_names) { my $package_cname = $package_name; $package_cname =~ s/::/__/g; $boot_csource .= " {\n"; $boot_csource .= " const char* module_source = SPMODSRC__${package_cname}__get_module_source();\n"; $boot_csource .= qq( SPVM_HASH_insert(compiler->module_source_symtable, "$package_name", strlen("$package_name"), (void*)module_source);\n); $boot_csource .= " }\n"; } $boot_csource .= "\n"; $boot_csource .= <<'EOS'; SPVM_COMPILER_compile(compiler); if (compiler->error_count > 0) { exit(1); } EOS for my $package_name (@$package_names_including_anon) { my $package_cname = $package_name; $package_cname =~ s/::/__/g; my $precompile_method_names = $builder->get_method_names($package_name, 'precompile'); for my $precompile_method_name (@$precompile_method_names) { $boot_csource .= <<"EOS"; { const char* package_name = "$package_name"; const char* method_name = "$precompile_method_name"; SPVM_BASIC_TYPE* basic_type = SPVM_HASH_fetch(compiler->basic_type_symtable, package_name, strlen(package_name)); assert(basic_type); SPVM_PACKAGE* package = basic_type->package; assert(package); SPVM_METHOD* method = SPVM_HASH_fetch(package->method_symtable, method_name, strlen(method_name)); assert(method); method->precompile_address = SPPRECOMPILE__${package_cname}__$precompile_method_name; } EOS } } for my $package_name (@$package_names) { my $package_cname = $package_name; $package_cname =~ s/::/__/g; my $native_method_names = $builder->get_method_names($package_name, 'native'); for my $native_method_name (@$native_method_names) { $boot_csource .= <<"EOS"; { const char* package_name = "$package_name"; const char* method_name = "$native_method_name"; SPVM_BASIC_TYPE* basic_type = SPVM_HASH_fetch(compiler->basic_type_symtable, package_name, strlen(package_name)); assert(basic_type); SPVM_PACKAGE* package = basic_type->package; assert(package); SPVM_METHOD* method = SPVM_HASH_fetch(package->method_symtable, method_name, strlen(method_name)); assert(method); method->native_address = SPNATIVE__${package_cname}__$native_method_name; } EOS } } $boot_csource .= <<'EOS'; // Create env SPVM_ENV* env = SPVM_API_create_env(compiler); // Call begin blocks SPVM_API_call_begin_blocks(env); // Package int32_t method_id = SPVM_API_get_method_id(env, package_name, "main", "int(string[])"); if (method_id < 0) { return -1; } // Enter scope int32_t scope_id = env->enter_scope(env); // new byte[][args_length] object int32_t arg_type_basic_id = env->get_basic_type_id(env, "byte"); void* cmd_args_obj = env->new_muldim_array(env, arg_type_basic_id, 1, argc); // Set command line arguments for (int32_t arg_index = 0; arg_index < argc; arg_index++) { void* cmd_arg_obj = env->new_string(env, argv[arg_index], strlen(argv[arg_index])); env->set_elem_object(env, cmd_args_obj, arg_index, cmd_arg_obj); } SPVM_VALUE stack[255]; stack[0].oval = cmd_args_obj; // Run int32_t exception_flag = env->call_spvm_method(env, method_id, stack); int32_t status; if (exception_flag) { SPVM_API_print(env, env->exception_object); printf("\n"); status = 255; } else { status = stack[0].ival; } // Leave scope env->leave_scope(env, scope_id); SPVM_API_free_env(env); // Free compiler SPVM_COMPILER_free(compiler); return status; } EOS my $build_dir = $self->builder->build_dir; my $boot_base = $target_package_name; $boot_base =~ s|::|/|g; # Build source directory my $build_src_dir = $self->builder->create_build_src_path; mkpath $build_src_dir; my $boot_csource_file = "$build_src_dir/$boot_base.boot.c"; mkpath dirname $boot_csource_file; open my $boot_csource_fh, '>', $boot_csource_file or die "Can't open file $boot_csource_file:$!"; print $boot_csource_fh $boot_csource; } sub compile_bootstrap_csource { my ($self) = @_; # Target package name my $target_package_name = $self->target_package_name; # Build directory my $build_dir = $self->builder->build_dir; # Config my $bconf = SPVM::Builder::Config->new_c99; # Optimize my $optimize = $self->optimize; if (defined $optimize) { $bconf->set_optimize($optimize); } # ExtUtils::CBuilder config my $config = $bconf->to_hash; # Compile source files my $cbuilder = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new(quiet => $self->quiet, config => $config); my $package_name_rel_file = SPVM::Builder::Util::convert_package_name_to_rel_file($target_package_name); my $object_file = $self->builder->create_build_object_path("$package_name_rel_file.boot.o"); my $src_file = $self->builder->create_build_src_path("$package_name_rel_file.boot.c"); # Create directory for object file output mkdir dirname $object_file; # Compile source file $cbuilder->compile( source => $src_file, object_file => $object_file, include_dirs => $bconf->get_include_dirs, extra_compiler_flags => $self->extra_compiler_flags, force => $self->force, ); return $object_file; } # SPVM runtime source files my @SPVM_RUNTIME_SRC_BASE_NAMES = qw( spvm_allow.c spvm_api.c spvm_array_field_access.c spvm_basic_type.c spvm_block.c spvm_call_method.c spvm_case_info.c spvm_compiler_allocator.c spvm_compiler.c spvm_constant.c spvm_csource_builder_precompile.c spvm_descriptor.c spvm_dumper.c spvm_enumeration.c spvm_enumeration_value.c spvm_field_access.c spvm_field.c spvm_hash.c spvm_list.c spvm_my.c spvm_op.c spvm_op_checker.c spvm_opcode_array.c spvm_opcode_builder.c spvm_opcode.c spvm_package.c spvm_package_var_access.c spvm_package_var.c spvm_string_buffer.c spvm_method.c spvm_switch_info.c spvm_toke.c spvm_type.c spvm_use.c spvm_util_allocator.c spvm_var.c spvm_yacc.c spvm_yacc_util.c ); sub compile_spvm_compiler_and_runtime_csources { my ($self) = @_; # SPVM::Builder::Config directory my $spvm_builder_config_dir = $INC{"SPVM/Builder/"}; # SPVM::Builder directory my $spvm_builder_dir = $spvm_builder_config_dir; $spvm_builder_dir =~ s/\/Config\.pm$//; # Add SPVM include directory my $spvm_compiler_and_runtime_include_dir = $spvm_builder_dir; $spvm_compiler_and_runtime_include_dir .= '/include'; # Add SPVM src directory my $spvm_compiler_and_runtime_src_dir = "$spvm_builder_dir/src"; my @spvm_compiler_and_runtime_src_files = map { "$spvm_compiler_and_runtime_src_dir/$_" } @SPVM_RUNTIME_SRC_BASE_NAMES; # Config my $bconf = SPVM::Builder::Config->new_c99;; # Default include path $bconf->append_ccflags("-Iblib/lib/SPVM/Builder/include"); # Optimize my $optimize = $self->optimize; if (defined $optimize) { $bconf->set_optimize($optimize); } # Use all of default %Config not to use %Config directory by ExtUtils::CBuilder # and overwrite user configs my $config = $bconf->to_hash; # Build directory my $build_dir = $self->builder->build_dir; # Object dir my $object_dir = $self->builder->create_build_object_path; mkpath $object_dir; # Compile source files my $cbuilder = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new(quiet => $self->quiet, config => $config); my $object_files = []; for my $src_file (@spvm_compiler_and_runtime_src_files) { # Object file my $object_file = "$object_dir/" . basename($src_file); $object_file =~ s/\.c$//; $object_file .= '.o'; # Do compile my $do_compile; if ($self->force) { $do_compile = 1; } else { if (!-f $object_file) { $do_compile = 1; } else { my $mod_time_src_file = (stat($src_file))[9]; my $mod_time_object_file = (stat($object_file))[9]; if ($mod_time_src_file > $mod_time_object_file) { $do_compile = 1; } } } if ($do_compile) { # Compile source file $cbuilder->compile( source => $src_file, object_file => $object_file, include_dirs => $bconf->get_include_dirs, extra_compiler_flags => $self->extra_compiler_flags, ); push @$object_files, $object_file; } } } sub link { my ($self, $native_object_files) = @_; my $target_package_name = $self->target_package_name; my $builder = $self->builder; my $build_dir = $self->builder->build_dir; my $build_work_object_dir = $self->builder->create_build_object_path; my $object_files = []; my $package_name_rel_file = SPVM::Builder::Util::convert_package_name_to_rel_file($target_package_name); push @$object_files, glob "$build_work_object_dir/$package_name_rel_file.boot.o"; my $bconf = SPVM::Builder::Config->new_c99; # CBuilder configs my $lddlflags = $bconf->get_lddlflags; my $output_file = $self->{output_file}; my $lib_dirs_str = join(' ', map { "-L$_" } @{$bconf->get_lib_dirs}); my $libs_str = join(' ', map { "-l$_" } @{$bconf->get_libs}); $bconf->append_lddlflags("$lib_dirs_str $libs_str"); # SPVM runtime object files my @spvm_compiler_and_runtime_object_files = map { my $tmp = "$build_work_object_dir/$_"; $tmp =~ s/\.c$/.o/; $tmp} @SPVM_RUNTIME_SRC_BASE_NAMES; push @$object_files, @spvm_compiler_and_runtime_object_files; # Compiled package names my $package_names = $builder->get_package_names; # SPVM module source object files for my $package_name (@$package_names) { my $package_name_rel_file = SPVM::Builder::Util::convert_package_name_to_rel_file($package_name); my $module_source_object_file = $self->builder->create_build_object_path("$package_name_rel_file.modsrc.o"); push @$object_files, $module_source_object_file; } # SPVM precompile object files my $precompile_object_files = []; for my $package_name (@$package_names) { next if $package_name =~ /::anon/; my $precompile_method_names = $builder->get_method_names($package_name, 'precompile'); if (@$precompile_method_names) { my $category = 'precompile'; my $precompile_object_rel_file = SPVM::Builder::Util::convert_package_name_to_category_rel_file($package_name, $category, 'o'); my $precompile_object_file = $self->builder->create_build_object_path($precompile_object_rel_file); push @$precompile_object_files, $precompile_object_file; } } push @$object_files, @$precompile_object_files; # SPVM native object files push @$object_files, @$native_object_files; # ExeUtils::CBuilder config my $config = $bconf->to_hash; my $exe_file = $output_file; my $cbuilder = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new(quiet => $self->quiet, config => $config); my $tmp_shared_lib_file = $cbuilder->link_executable( objects => $object_files, module_name => $target_package_name, exe_file => $exe_file, extra_linker_flags => $self->extra_linker_flags, ); } 1;