package SPVM::Builder::Util; use strict; use warnings; use Carp 'confess'; use Config; use File::Path 'mkpath'; use Pod::Usage 'pod2usage'; use Getopt::Long 'GetOptionsFromArray'; use List::Util 'min'; use File::Basename 'dirname'; use File::Spec; # SPVM::Builder::Util is used from Makefile.PL # so this module must be wrote as pure perl script, not contain XS functions and don't use any other SPVM modules. sub need_generate { my ($opt) = @_; my $global_force = $opt->{global_force}; my $config_force = $opt->{config_force}; my $input_files = $opt->{input_files}; my $output_file = $opt->{output_file}; # SPVM::Builder modules my @spvm_core_files; my $spvm_core_files_mtime_max; if (my $builder_loaded_file = $INC{'SPVM/'}) { my $builder_loaded_dir = $builder_loaded_file; $builder_loaded_dir =~ s|SPVM/Builder\.pm$||; # SPVM::Builder module files my $spvm_builder_module_file_names = &get_spvm_builder_module_file_names(); for my $spvm_builder_module_file_name (@$spvm_builder_module_file_names) { my $module_file = "$builder_loaded_dir/$spvm_builder_module_file_name"; unless (-f $module_file) { confess 'Unexpected'; } push @spvm_core_files, $module_file; } # SPVM core header files my $spvm_core_header_file_names = &get_spvm_core_header_file_names(); for my $spvm_core_header_file_name (@$spvm_core_header_file_names) { my $spvm_core_header_file = "$builder_loaded_dir/SPVM/Builder/include/$spvm_core_header_file_name"; unless (-f $spvm_core_header_file) { confess 'Unexpected'; } push @spvm_core_files, $spvm_core_header_file; } # SPVM core source files my $spvm_core_source_file_names = &get_spvm_core_source_file_names(); for my $spvm_core_source_file_name (@$spvm_core_source_file_names) { my $spvm_core_source_file = "$builder_loaded_dir/SPVM/Builder/src/$spvm_core_source_file_name"; unless (-f $spvm_core_source_file) { confess 'Unexpected'; } push @spvm_core_files, $spvm_core_source_file; } $spvm_core_files_mtime_max = 0; for my $spvm_core_file (@spvm_core_files) { my $spvm_core_file_mtime = (stat($spvm_core_file))[9]; if ($spvm_core_file_mtime > $spvm_core_files_mtime_max) { $spvm_core_files_mtime_max = $spvm_core_file_mtime; } } } my $need_generate; if ($global_force) { $need_generate = 1; } elsif ($config_force) { $need_generate = 1; } else { if (!-f $output_file) { $need_generate = 1; } else { my $input_files_mtime_max = 0; my $exists_input_file_at_least_one; for my $input_file (@$input_files) { if (-f $input_file) { $exists_input_file_at_least_one = 1; my $input_file_mtime = (stat($input_file))[9]; if ($input_file_mtime > $input_files_mtime_max) { $input_files_mtime_max = $input_file_mtime; } } } if ($exists_input_file_at_least_one) { my $output_file_mtime = (stat($output_file))[9]; if (defined $spvm_core_files_mtime_max) { if ($spvm_core_files_mtime_max > $input_files_mtime_max) { $input_files_mtime_max = $spvm_core_files_mtime_max; } } if ($input_files_mtime_max > $output_file_mtime) { $need_generate = 1; } } } } return $need_generate; } sub slurp_binary { my ($file) = @_; open my $fh, '<', $file or confess "Can't open file \"$file\":$!"; my $content = do { local $/; <$fh> }; return $content; } sub spurt_binary { my ($file, $content) = @_; open my $fh, '>:raw', $file or confess "Can't open file \"$file\":$!"; print $fh $content; } sub create_cfunc_name { my ($class_name, $method_name, $category) = @_; my $prefix; if ($category eq 'native') { $prefix = 'SPVM__'; } elsif ($category eq 'precompile') { $prefix = 'SPVMPRECOMPILE__' } # Precompile Method names my $method_abs_name_under_score = "${class_name}::$method_name"; $method_abs_name_under_score =~ s/:/_/g; my $cfunc_name = "$prefix$method_abs_name_under_score"; return $cfunc_name; } sub load_config { my ($config_file) = @_; unless (-f $config_file) { confess "Can't find config file \"$config_file\""; } my $config = do File::Spec->rel2abs($config_file); if ($@) { confess "Can't parse config file \"$config_file\": $@"; } return $config; } sub unindent { my $str = shift; my $min = min map { m/^([ \t]*)/; length $1 || () } split "\n", $str; $str =~ s/^[ \t]{0,$min}//gm if $min; return $str; } sub extract_usage { my $file = @_ ? "$_[0]" : (caller)[1]; open my $handle, '>', \my $output; pod2usage -exitval => 'noexit', -input => $file, -output => $handle; $output =~ s/^.*\n|\n$//; $output =~ s/\n$//; return SPVM::Builder::Util::unindent($output); } sub getopt { my ($array, $opts) = map { ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? shift : $_ } \@ARGV, []; my $save = Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(default no_auto_abbrev no_ignore_case), @$opts); GetOptionsFromArray $array, @_; Getopt::Long::Configure($save); } sub convert_module_file_to_shared_lib_file { my ($module_file, $category) = @_; my $dlext = $Config{dlext}; $module_file =~ s/\.[^.]+$//; my $shared_lib_category_file = $module_file; $shared_lib_category_file .= $category eq 'native' ? ".$dlext" : ".$category.$dlext"; return $shared_lib_category_file; } sub convert_class_name_to_shared_lib_rel_file { my ($class_name, $category) = @_; my $dlext = $Config{dlext}; my $shared_lib_category_rel_file = convert_class_name_to_rel_file($class_name); $shared_lib_category_rel_file .= $category eq 'native' ? ".$dlext" : ".$category.$dlext"; return $shared_lib_category_rel_file; } sub convert_class_name_to_category_rel_file { my ($class_name, $category, $ext) = @_; $class_name =~ s/^SPVM:://; my $rel_file_with_ext = "SPVM::$class_name"; $rel_file_with_ext =~ s/::/\//g; $rel_file_with_ext .= $category eq 'native' ? "" : ".$category"; if (defined $ext) { $rel_file_with_ext .= ".$ext"; } return $rel_file_with_ext; } sub convert_class_name_to_rel_dir { my ($class_name) = @_; $class_name =~ s/^SPVM:://; my $rel_dir; my $rel_file = "SPVM::$class_name"; $rel_file =~ s/::/\//g; $rel_dir = dirname $rel_file; return $rel_dir; } sub convert_class_name_to_rel_file { my ($class_name, $ext) = @_; $class_name =~ s/^SPVM:://; my $rel_file_with_ext = "SPVM::$class_name"; $rel_file_with_ext =~ s/::/\//g; if (defined $ext) { $rel_file_with_ext .= ".$ext"; } return $rel_file_with_ext; } sub remove_class_part_from_file { my ($file, $class_name) = @_; $class_name =~ s/^SPVM:://; $file =~ s/\.spvm$//; my $class_file = "SPVM::$class_name"; $class_file =~ s/::/\//g; $file =~ s/$class_file$//; $file =~ s/[\\\/]$//; return $file; } sub create_make_rule_native { my $class_name = shift; create_class_make_rule($class_name, 'native'); } sub create_make_rule_precompile { my $class_name = shift; create_class_make_rule($class_name, 'precompile'); } sub create_class_make_rule { my ($class_name, $category) = @_; $class_name =~ s/^SPVM:://; my $module_base_name = $class_name; $module_base_name =~ s/^.+:://; my $src_dir = 'lib'; my $class_rel_file = convert_class_name_to_rel_file($class_name, 'spvm'); my $noext_file = $class_rel_file; $noext_file =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//; my $spvm_file = $noext_file; $spvm_file .= '.spvm'; $spvm_file = "$src_dir/$spvm_file"; my $native_c_file = $noext_file; $native_c_file .= '.c'; $native_c_file = "$src_dir/$native_c_file"; my $config_file = $noext_file; $config_file .= '.config'; $config_file = "$src_dir/$config_file"; # Dependency files my @deps; # Dependency c source files push @deps, grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } glob "$src_dir/$class_rel_file/*"; # Dependency module file if ($category eq 'native') { push @deps, $spvm_file, $native_c_file, $config_file; } elsif ($category eq 'precompile') { push @deps, $spvm_file; } # Shared library file my $shared_lib_rel_file = convert_class_name_to_shared_lib_rel_file($class_name, $category); my $shared_lib_file = "blib/lib/$shared_lib_rel_file"; my $make_rule = ''; # dynamic section $make_rule .= "dynamic :: $shared_lib_file\n"; $make_rule .= "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)\n\n"; # Get source files $make_rule .= "$shared_lib_file :: @deps\n"; $make_rule .= "\t$^X -Mblib -MSPVM::Builder::API -e \"SPVM::Builder::API->new(build_dir => '.spvm_build')->build_shared_lib_dist_$category('$class_name')\"\n\n"; return $make_rule; } sub get_spvm_builder_module_file_names { my @spvm_builder_module_file_names = qw( SPVM/Builder/ SPVM/Builder/ SPVM/Builder/Util/ SPVM/Builder/Config/ SPVM/Builder/ SPVM/Builder/Generator/ SPVM/Builder/ SPVM/Builder/ SPVM/Builder/ SPVM/Builder/ SPVM/ ); return \@spvm_builder_module_file_names; } sub get_spvm_core_source_file_names { my @spvm_core_source_file_names = qw( spvm_allocator.c spvm_allow.c spvm_api.c spvm_array_field_access.c spvm_basic_type.c spvm_block.c spvm_call_method.c spvm_case_info.c spvm_class.c spvm_class_var_access.c spvm_class_var.c spvm_implement.c spvm_compiler.c spvm_constant.c spvm_csource_builder_precompile.c spvm_descriptor.c spvm_dumper.c spvm_field_access.c spvm_field.c spvm_hash.c spvm_list.c spvm_method.c spvm_my.c spvm_op.c spvm_op_checker.c spvm_opcode_array.c spvm_opcode_builder.c spvm_opcode.c spvm_public_api.c spvm_runtime.c spvm_string.c spvm_string_buffer.c spvm_switch_info.c spvm_toke.c spvm_type.c spvm_use.c spvm_var.c spvm_yacc.c spvm_yacc_util.c ); return \@spvm_core_source_file_names; } sub get_spvm_core_header_file_names { my @spvm_core_header_file_names = qw( spvm_allocator.h spvm_allow.h spvm_api.h spvm_array_field_access.h spvm_basic_type.h spvm_block.h spvm_call_method.h spvm_case_info.h spvm_check_ast_info.h spvm_class.h spvm_class_var_access.h spvm_class_var.h spvm_compiler.h spvm_constant.h spvm_csource_builder_precompile.h spvm_descriptor.h spvm_dumper.h spvm_field_access.h spvm_field.h spvm_hash.h spvm_implement.h spvm_limit.h spvm_list.h spvm_method.h spvm_my.h spvm_name_info.h spvm_native.h spvm_object.h spvm_op_checker.h spvm_opcode_array.h spvm_opcode_builder.h spvm_opcode.h spvm_op.h spvm_public_api.h spvm_runtime_basic_type.h spvm_runtime_class.h spvm_runtime_class_var.h spvm_runtime_field.h spvm_runtime.h spvm_runtime_manager.h spvm_runtime_method.h spvm_runtime_string.h spvm_runtime_type.h spvm_string.h spvm_string_buffer.h spvm_switch_info.h spvm_toke.h spvm_typedecl.h spvm_type.h spvm_use.h spvm_var.h spvm_weaken_backref.h spvm_yacc.h spvm_yacc_util.h ); return \@spvm_core_header_file_names; } 1; =head1 NAME SPVM::Builder::Util - Build Utilities =head1 DESCRIPTION SPVM::Builder::Util is building utilities.