package SPVM::Builder::CompileInfo;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Config;
use Carp 'confess';
use File::Basename 'dirname';

# Fields
sub source_file {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) {
    $self->{source_file} = $_[0];
    return $self;
  else {
    return $self->{source_file};

sub output_file {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) {
    $self->{output_file} = $_[0];
    return $self;
  else {
    return $self->{output_file};

sub config {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) {
    $self->{config} = $_[0];
    return $self;
  else {
    return $self->{config};

# Class methods
sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $self = {@_};

  bless $self, $class;
  return $self;

# Instance Methods
sub create_compile_command {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $config = $self->config;

  my $cc = $config->cc;
  my $output_file = $self->output_file;
  my $source_file = $self->source_file;
  my $compile_command_args = $self->create_compile_command_args;
  my @compile_command = ($cc, '-c', '-o', $output_file, @$compile_command_args, $source_file);
  return \@compile_command;

sub create_compile_command_args {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $config = $self->config;
  my @compile_command_args;
  my $std = $config->std;
  if (defined $std) {
    push @compile_command_args, "-std=$std";
  my $optimize = $config->optimize;
  if (defined $optimize) {
    push @compile_command_args, split(/ +/, $optimize);
  push @compile_command_args, @{$config->ccflags};
  my $output_type = $config->output_type;
  if ($output_type eq 'dynamic_lib') {
    push @compile_command_args, @{$config->dynamic_lib_ccflags};
  # include directories
    my @all_include_dirs;
    # SPVM core native directory
    my $spvm_core_include_dir = $config->spvm_core_include_dir;
    push @all_include_dirs, $spvm_core_include_dir;
    # Native include directory
    my $native_include_dir = $config->native_include_dir;
    if (defined $native_include_dir) {
      push @all_include_dirs, $native_include_dir;
    # Resource include directories
    my $disable_resource = $config->disable_resource;
    unless ($disable_resource) {
      my $resource_names = $config->get_resource_names;
      for my $resource_name (@$resource_names) {
        my $resource = $config->get_resource($resource_name);
        my $config = $resource->config;
        my $resource_include_dir = $config->native_include_dir;
        if (defined $resource_include_dir) {
          push @all_include_dirs, $resource_include_dir;
    # include directories
    my $include_dirs = $config->include_dirs;
    push @all_include_dirs, @$include_dirs;
    my @all_include_dirs_args = map { "-I$_" } @all_include_dirs;
    push @compile_command_args, @all_include_dirs_args;
  return \@compile_command_args;

sub to_cmd {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $compile_command = $self->create_compile_command;
  my $compile_command_string = "@$compile_command";
  return $compile_command_string;


=head1 Name

SPVM::Builder::CompileInfo - Compilation Information

=head1 Description

The SPVM::Builder::CompileInfo class has methods to manipulate compilation information.

=head1 Fields

=head2 config

  my $config = $compile_info->config;

Gets and sets the C<config> field.

This is a L<SPVM::Builder::Config> object used to compile the source file.

=head2 source_file

  my $source_file = $compile_info->source_file;

Gets and sets the C<source_file> field.

This field is a source file.

=head2 output_file

  my $output_file = $compile_info->output_file;

Gets and sets the C<output_file> field.

This field is an output file.

=head1 Class Methods

=head2 new

  my $compile_info = SPVM::Builder::CompileInfo->new(%fields);

Creates a new L<SPVM::Builder::CompileInfo> object with L</"Fields">.

Default Field Values:

If a field is not defined, the field is set to the following default value.

=over 2

=item * L</"source_file">


=item * L</"output_file">


=item * L</"config">



=head1 Instance Methods

=head2 create_compile_command

  my $compile_command = $compile_info->create_compile_command;

Creates the compilation command, and returns it.

The return value is an array reference.

The following one is an example of the return value.

  [qw(cc -o foo.o -c -O2 -Ipath/include foo.c)]

=head2 create_compile_command_args

  my $config_args = $compile_info->create_compile_command_args;

Creates the parts of the arguments of the compilation command from the information of the L</"config"> field, and returns it. The return value is an array reference.

The C<-c> option, the C<-o> option and the source file name are not contained.

The following one is an example of the return value.

  [qw(-O2 -Ipath/include)]

=head2 to_cmd

  my $compile_command_string = $compile_info->to_cmd;

Calls the L<create_compile_command|/"create_compile_command"> method and joins all elements of the returned array reference with a space, and returns it.

The following one is an example of the return value.

  "cc -c -o foo.o -O2 -Ipath/include foo.c"

=head1 Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto

MIT License