use 5.008007; package SPVM; use strict; use warnings; use SPVM::Global; our $VERSION = "0.989032"; require XSLoader; XSLoader::load('SPVM', $VERSION); sub import { my ($class, $basic_type_name) = @_; my ($file, $line) = (caller)[1, 2]; if (defined $basic_type_name) { SPVM::Global::build_module($basic_type_name, $file, $line); } } sub api { unless ($SPVM::Global::INIT_GLOBAL) { SPVM::Global::init_global(); } return $SPVM::Global::API; } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 Name SPVM - SPVM Language =head1 Description SPVM is a statically typed programming language with the syntax of Perl. SPVM has not yet reached a stable release of version 1.0. For now, L<backward compatibility|> of methods and features will not be kept. =head1 Usage A class of SPVM: # lib/SPVM/MyMath.spvm class MyMath { static method sum : int ($nums : int[]) { my $total = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$nums; $i++) { $total += $nums->[$i]; } return $total; } } Calling a SPVM method from Perl: # use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib"; use SPVM 'MyMath'; # Call method my $total = SPVM::MyMath->sum([3, 6, 8, 9]); =head1 Documents =over 2 =item * L<Tutorial|> - SPVM Tutorial =item * L<Language Specification|SPVM::Document::Language> - SPVM Language Specification =item * L<Standard Modules|SPVM::Document::Modules> - SPVM Standard Modules =item * L<ExchangeAPI|SPVM::ExchangeAPI> - Exchange APIs =item * L<Native Module|SPVM::Document::NativeModule> - Native Module =item * L<Native APIs|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI> - Native APIs =item * L<Resource|SPVM::Document::Resource> - Resource =item * L<spvmcc> - Creating Executable File =item * L<spvmdist> - Creating SPVM Distribution =item * L<Benchmark|> - SPVM Performance Benchmarks =back =head1 use use SPVM; use SPVM 'SomeClass'; Loads the L<SPVM> module. If a module name of SPVM is given as the first argument, the SPVM module is loaded and is bound to a Perl module. The bound Perl module name is prefixed with C<SPVM::>. Exceptions: If the SPVM module cannot be loaded, an exception is thrown. Examples: use SPVM 'Int'; my $int_object = SPVM::Int->new(3); my $value = $int_object->value. =head1 Functions =head2 api my $api = SPVM::api(); Gets the global L<SPVM::ExchangeAPI> object for this Perl interpreter. =head1 Environment Variables If an environment variable is an empty string, it is treated as an undefined value. =head2 SPVM_BUILD_DIR A directory for files generated by the compiler and linker. C source codes for precompilation, dynamic link libraries and object files are stored into this directory. These files are output when attempting to build a module containing methods with the C<native> attribute or the C<precompile> attribute. If these files are output and the directory given by the C<SPVM_BUILD_DIR> environment variable does not exist, an exception is thrown. Examples: # bash export SPVM_BUILD_DIR=~/.spvm_build # csh setenv SPVM_BUILD_DIR ~/.spvm_build =head2 SPVM_CC_DEBUG If the C<SPVM_CC_DEBUG> environement variable is a true value of Perl, debug messages and messages from the L<SPVM native module|SPVM::Document::NativeModule> compiler and linker are printed to stderr. =head2 SPVM_CC_QUIET If the C<SPVM_CC_QUIET> environement variable is a true value of Perl, messages the L<SPVM native module|SPVM::Document::NativeModule> compiler and linker are not printed to stderr. If it is defined and a false value of Perl, the messages are printed. This setting has a higher priority than the L<quiet|SPVM::Builder::Config/"quiet"> field of the L<SPVM::Builder::Config> module. =head2 SPVM_CC_FORCE If the C<SPVM_CC_FORCE> environement variable is a true value of Perl, the compilation and link by the L<SPVM native module|SPVM::Document::NativeModule> compiler and linker are forced. This setting has a higher priority than the L<force|SPVM::Builder::Config/"force"> field of the L<SPVM::Builder::Config> module. =head1 Repository L<SPVM - Github|> =head1 Author Yuki Kimoto E<lt>kimoto.yuki@gmail.comE<gt> =head1 Core Developers motiE<lt>motohiko.ave@gmail.comE<gt> =head1 Contributors =over 2 =item * Mohammad S Anwar =item * akinomyoga =item * NAGAYASU Shinya =item * Reini Urban =item * chromatic =item * Kazutake Hiramatsu =item * Yasuaki Omokawa =item * Suman Khanal =item * L<Ryunosuke Murakami|> =item * L<Yoshiyuki Itoh|> =item * L<Tore Aursand|> =item * L<greengorcer|> =back =head1 Copyright & License Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto MIT License =cut