=head1 Name SPVM::Document::Language::GarbageCollection - Garbage Collection in the SPVM Language =head1 Description This document describes garbage collection in the SPVM language. =head1 Garbage Collection =head2 Reference Count GC Garbage collection in SPVM is a reference counted GC. The object is destroyed when its reference count reaches 0. The reference count of an object assigned by L<assignment operator|SPVM::Document::Language::Operators/"Assignment Operator"> is incremented by 1. # The reference count is incremented by 1 my $object = Point->new; The reference count of an object whose assignment is removed by an assignment operator is decreased by 1. # The reference count is decremented by 1 $object = undef; Reference counts incremented by assignments to local variables are decremented at the end of its scope. { # The reference count is incremented by 1 my $object = Point->new; # The reference count of $object is decremented by 1 at the end of this scope } =head2 Assignment An assignment operator changes the reference count of the left operand and the right operand. LEFT_OPERAND = RIGHT_OPERAND If the type of the value owned by I<RIGHT_OPERAND> is an object type and defined, the reference count of the object is incremented by 1. And if the type of the value owned by I<LEFT_OPERAND> is an object type and defined, the reference count of the object is decremented by 1. =head2 Scope A scope is the part surrounded by a L<scope block|SPVM::Document::Language::Class/"Scope Block">. # Scope block { # Beginning of scope my $point = Point->new; # End of scope } =head3 Entering Scope The operation of entering scope is executed at the start of a L<scope block|SPVM::Document::Language::Class/"Scope Block">. This operation memorizes the top position of L<mortal stack|/"Mortal Stack"> of a method. =head3 Pushing a Local Variable on the Mortal Stack The operation of a local variable on the mortal stack pushes a local variable on the mortal stack of a method. =head3 Leaving Scope The operation of leaving scope is executed at the end of a L<scope block|SPVM::Document::Language::Class/"Scope Block">. This operation assigns objects from the top position memorized by L<entering scope|/"Entering Scope"> to the current top position of L<mortal stack|/"Mortal Stack"> to C<undef>. =head3 Mortal Stack A mortal stack is a stack that is used by L<entering scope|/"Entering Scope">, L<pushing a local variable on the mortal stack|/"Pushing a Local Variable on the Mortal Stack"> and L<leaving scope|/"Leaving Scope">. A method has one mortal stack. =head2 Weak Reference SPVM supports weak references. Weak references are used to avoid circular references. This is an example that objects have circular references. { my $foo = new Foo; my $bar = new Bar; $foo->{bar} = $bar; $bar->{foo} = $foo; } The L<weaken operator|SPVM::Document::Language::Operators/"weaken Operator"> converts a reference to a weak reference. { my $foo = new Foo; my $bar = new Bar; $foo->{bar} = $bar; $bar->{foo} = $foo; weaken $foo->{bar}; } If a reference is convertd to a weak reference, the reference count of the referenced object is decremented by 1. And the weaken flag of the field trun on, and the back reference from the field is added to the referenced object. The L<isweak operator|SPVM::Document::Language::Operators/"isweak Operator"> checks if the weaken flag of the field turn on. my $isweak = isweaken $foo->{bar}; The L<unweaken operator|SPVM::Document::Language::Operators/"unweaken Operator"> converts a weak reference to a reference. unweaken $foo->{bar}; If a weak reference is convertd to a reference, the reference count of the referenced object is incremented by 1. And the weaken flag of the field trun off, and the back reference from the field is removed from the referenced object. =head1 See Also =over 2 =item * L<SPVM::Document::Language::Operators> =item * L<SPVM::Document::Language> =item * L<SPVM::Document> =back =head1 Copyright & License Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto MIT License