0.11 2023-02-09
[Fixed Build Process Bug]
* Fixed a build process bug on Windows.
[Meta Information Improvement]
* Added the URL of this repository.
[Test Improvement]
* Added Github Action workflows.
0.10 2023-02-08
[Prerequirement Changes]
* SPVM 0.9691+ is needed.
0.09 2023-01-30
[Prerequirement Changes]
* SPVM::Digest::MD5 needs SPVM 0.9686+.
0.08 2022-11-14
[Prerequirement Changes]
* SPVM::Digest::MD5 needs SPVM 0.9661+.
0.07 2022-08-01
[Internal Ineffective Changes]
* Use get_field_object_by_name_v2 in SPVM/Digest/MD5.c
* Use set_field_object_by_name_v2 in SPVM/Digest/MD5.c
[Pre Requirement Changes]
* SPVM 0.9632 is needed.
0.06 2022-07-11
[Fix Testing Bugs]
* Fix the testing bug that "perl_impl" doesn't use the same perl as SPVM::Digest::MD5.
0.05 2022-07-11
[Fix Testing Bugs]
* Fix the bug that distribution have "perl_impl/blib" and unneeded files.
0.04 2022-07-08
* perl_impl directory is not indexed.
0.03 2022-07-08
* Hide subdirectory's Digest::MD5 from ExtUtils::MakeMaker.
0.02 2022-07-08
[New Features]
* Add the following methods.
static method new : Digest::MD5 ();
method add : Digest::MD5 ($data : string);
method digest : string ();
method hexdigest : string ();
method b64digest : string ();
[Fix Tests]
* Remove unused thread, context, files, clone, bits tests.
0.01 2022-07-07
* First release.