0.07 2023-03-15
[Prerequirement Changes]
* SPVM::Sys 0.43+ is needed.
0.06 2023-03-06
[Incompatible Changes]
* Removed the File::Spec::Instance::Interface class.
* Removed the has_interfaces method in the File::Spec::Instance class.
[Prerequirement Changes]
* SPVM 0.9695+ is needed.
0.05 2023-02-22
[New Features]
* Added the file_name_is_root method in the SVPM::File::Spec, SVPM::File::Spec::(Instance|Instance::Unix|Instance::Win32|Instance::Interface).
static method file_name_is_root : int ($path : string);
[Compatible Internal Changes]
* Removed wrongly added module files.
0.04 2023-02-22
[Incompatible Changes]
* Removed a Windows special logic to compare file name because file case sensitivity is different on each environment.
lc($file1) eq lc($file2)
$file1 eq $file2
0.03 2023-02-10
[Incompatible Changes]
* Current File::Spec is copied to File::Spec::Instance.
* File::Spec::Unix is renamed to File::Spec::Instance::Unix.
* File::Spec::Win32 is renamed to File::Spec::Instance::Win32.
* File::Spec::Interface is renamed to File::Spec::Instance::Interface.
* The definition of the methods of the File::Spec are changed and removed.
- static method new : File::Spec ();
- method has_interfaces : int ();
- method canonpath : string ($path : string);
- method catdir : string ($directories : string[]);
- method catfile : string ($directories : string[], $filename : string);
- method curdir : string ();
- method devnull : string ();
- method rootdir : string ();
- method tmpdir : string ();
- method updir : string ();
- method no_upwards : string[] ($directories : string[]);
- method file_name_is_absolute : int ($path : string);
- method path : string[] ();
- method join : string ($directories : string[], $filename : string);
- method splitpath : string[] ($path : string, $no_file = 0 : int);
- method splitdir : string[] ($path : string);
- method catpath : string ($volume : string, $directory : string, $file : string);
- method abs2rel : string ($path : string, $base = undef : string);
- method rel2abs : string ($path : string, $base = undef : string);
+ static method canonpath : string ($path : string);
+ static method catdir : string ($directories : string[]);
+ static method catfile : string ($directories : string[], $filename : string);
+ static method curdir : string ();
+ static method devnull : string ();
+ static method rootdir : string ();
+ static method tmpdir : string ();
+ static method updir : string ();
+ static method updir : string ();
+ static method no_upwards : string[] ($directories : string[]);
+ static method file_name_is_absolute : int ($path : string);
+ static method path : string[] ();
+ static method join : string ($directories : string[], $filename : string);
+ static method splitpath : string[] ($path : string, $no_file = 0 : int);
+ static method splitdir : string[] ($path : string);
+ static method catpath : string ($volume : string, $directory : string, $file : string);
+ static method abs2rel : string ($path : string, $base = undef : string);
+ static method rel2abs : string ($path : string, $base = undef : string);
0.02 2023-02-06
* Added the File::Spec::Cwd class. This is the same as the Cwd module.
In the future, the Cwd class is implemented using File::Spec::Cwd.
[Document Improvement]
* Added the document.
0.01 2023-02-03
* First release.